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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Arash Tadjiki

Diversity essential to America

February 4, 2014

The English language has become prevalent, not just throughout the nation but across the globe. Being American has devolved into being white, speaking English and perceiving the United States as superior...

Grey Leman

Religion should focus on faith and ecology

February 4, 2014

Pope Francis has done it again. This time he announced he will be publishing a document on the environment. This will be the first Vatican document on the environment in decades and sheds light on an area...

Arash Tadjiki

Obama should do things like Rep. Grimm

February 3, 2014

In last week’s State of the Union address, President Barack Obama gave a signature speech filled with hope, emotion and a call to action. It was also a rather sensual affair, according to GOP strategist...

Sally Yoo

Congress should find answers instead of arguing

February 3, 2014

The Imperial President — it’s been coming for quite a while now, most conservatives might tell you. President Barack Obama is ignoring the laws and foundations of American government in his unilateral...

Lindsay Schuring

Minimum wage increase not the answer

February 2, 2014

My other boss presented a brilliant idea that we should decrease inflation rather than increase wages, so we don’t lose monetary value. It appears on that inflation rates have been...

Arash Tadjiki

Two-year phone contracts trap customers

January 29, 2014

I’ve had my smartphone for one week, and I don’t know how I lived without it before. Yes, you read right. Before last week, I was barely functioning with a LG Cosmos 2, a phone that cannot even be...

Rory Penman

Homeless deserve respect, not unfair legal measures

January 29, 2014

To some, capitalism, extreme social class stratification and the exploitation of workers and workers’ rights is an inherent part of the world. Reality is only the current system we live in. For example,...

Lindsay Schuring

Gender inequality needs to end

January 28, 2014

The reality of my gender manifests itself on a daily basis. There is this feeling of defeat that comes with being born a female, and no matter what I do I will never reach my full potential. There is...

Luigi Ghersi

Colleges should clarify AP credibility

January 28, 2014

In high school, students are force-fed AP classes because they supposedly measure intelligence and work ethic. College applications ask which AP classes a student has taken, and the best schools would...

Rory Penman

Celebrities need to keep quiet

January 28, 2014

As a diehard San Francisco 49ers fan, the only thing worse than seeing my team lose in the NFC Championship game when a potential game-winning touchdown pass is intercepted, is having the player responsible...