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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Insincere politeness is ruining society

October 6, 2013

I’m struggling yet again to get along with my fellow human beings. I have been trying for years to tiptoe politely around the proverbial China shop that is society, but lately I feel more like being...

Culture signals conflict in society

October 2, 2013

Many will remember the seizure of four paintings by Konstantin Altunin depicting Russian officials Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev in women’s lingerie. But few know that the artist fled the country...

Fencing in Tanner Park an abomination

October 2, 2013

This past weekend I went on a hike in Tanner Park. This is one of the best open spaces in the valley, with miles of wilderness to explore. It is also a dog park that allows dogs to run leash free. The...

Focus should be on rehab, not jail time

October 1, 2013

According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, the amount of prisoners in the United States is at a high of 2,226,800 adults incarcerated in federal and state prisons. The same department notes that...

City Creek overreacts to threat

October 1, 2013

City Creek Center has been featured in the paper more than once this past week. Just before shutting down part of the mall because of a chemical smell coming from a nearby building, the area’s newest...

Shutdown a sign of broken government

September 30, 2013

The United States Congress is broken. Be it the sequester, the debt ceiling or the government shutdown, Congress always seems to be flirting with disaster and it is always their own fault. While some of...

Heightened airport security worth the hassle

September 30, 2013

OK, confession time. I love airports and flying. I love the little bags of peanuts, the turbulence and even going through security. However, there are few people in this world completely like me. Many...

Antibiotics should be used with care

September 29, 2013

A few weeks ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a threat report about antibiotic resistance. It gave hard statistics on the damage caused by antibiotic resistance and offered...

Athletes shouldn’t be considered employees

September 29, 2013

By David Magee Guest Commentator As Utah athletic director Chris Hill sits at his desk, he looks down into his morning coffee to see if they’re still there. Sure enough, the ripples on the surface aren’t...

Obama needs to deliver

September 29, 2013

At the dawn of Barack Obama’s presidency he wrote, “A democracy requires accountability, and accountability requires transparency.” As we enter into the fifth year of his term, it’s time we hold...