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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Letter to the Editor: AP credits benefit students

September 17, 2013

Editor: I am writing in response to Patrick Bergin’s article “U Should no longer accept AP credit” published on Sept. 15, because it contains inaccuracies throughout. Bergin appears unaware of the...

New tech an invasion of privacy

September 17, 2013

Last week Apple announced their newest iPhone and its features. The most interesting feature is the new fingerprint scanner. This means you will not have to type in a password to access your phone —...

Bribery, not free speech

September 17, 2013

In 1998 Bill Cosby hosted a television show called “Kids Say the Darndest Things.” Throughout, he would ask children a question, and they would invariably respond with something cute or funny. I remember...

Hosting Olympics worth the hassles

September 16, 2013

Each time the bidding for the Olympic Games is finalized, the tension around who will end up hosting the Games is built up with enthusiasm in the potential host cities, but also followed by tons of financial...

Opt-out detrimental to students

September 16, 2013

Civil disobedience is the hallmark of a democratic society. It is the privilege of the masses to raise their unabashed voices in a uniform outcry against a large-scale injustice. Protests, peaceful demonstrations...

Be wary of gluten-free diet trends

September 15, 2013

Riddle: What do mustache logos and gluten-free diets have in common? Answer: They’re both unnecessary fads. However, the only downside to mustache logos is that they’re stupid and tacky, while gluten-free...

U.S. needs to focus investment on Africa

September 15, 2013

While the news of the war in Syria and the relations between the United States and Russia continue to dominate the news, the rest of American foreign policy continues to be neglected and ignored. As China...

U should no longer count AP credit

September 15, 2013

Every year a new class of fresh-faced students arrive on college campuses around the country. Some have already planned ahead and received college credit in high school by taking advantage of Advanced...

Syria: The cost of silence

September 12, 2013

As we ponder the reasons for military action against Syria, there are two sayings that come to mind: “Where there’s smoke there’s fire,” and “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The latter...

Syria: U.S. must take action

September 12, 2013

If the United States continues to stand on the sidelines of the Syrian Civil War the repercussions for American foreign policy would be foolish and dangerous. Especially now that the administration has...