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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Recreational rope swinging on Moab arches is dangerous to all

July 15, 2013

Modern religion has never appealed to me. It's not that I don’t understand institutionalism, it's that I don’t like it. And it's not that I'm atheist, because I'm not. I am just not religious in the...

U.S. cyberattack strategy destructive and a ‘betrayal’ of American trust

July 15, 2013

American covert agencies have been known to use clandestine cyber warfare. And, as a result of this fact, our governmental security agencies assume they are entitled to keep dark secrets from the very...

Students shouldn’t overpay on loans

July 1, 2013

Student loans have long been a way for low-income individuals to attain higher education. The idea behind such loans is good. Students who cannot afford to pay for their education out-of-pocket can still...

Snowden’s leak exposes ugly truth about U.S.

July 1, 2013

The hysteria surrounding Edward Snowden and his disclosure of the classified and sensitive documents regarding the NSA’s expansive surveillance program underscores a deep and troubling problem facing...

Snowden’s actions show disloyalty to government

June 17, 2013

Edward Snowden, a contractor for the National Security Agency, obtained access to classified national security documents and leaked the sensitive intelligence contained therein to a British newspaper,...

Public universities must avoid business trap

June 17, 2013

Education is the cornerstone of an informed populace. However, a creeping ideology is worming its way into university administration practices that could threaten the very basis of education. This ideology,...

The U should pursue tuition lock plan

June 3, 2013

Students across the nation have felt the sharp sting of rising tuition costs. The National Center for Educational Statistics reported that between 2000 and 2011 the composite price of college — tuition,...

Benghazi circus the fault of both parties

June 3, 2013

For the past eight months, there has been constant outcry coupled with prolonged media attention surrounding the talking points Ambassador Susan Rice used to explain the attack on the U.S. consulate in...

Support whistleblowers like Bradley Manning

June 3, 2013

As the first day Bradley Manning’s court martial wrapped up on Monday, we feel that it’s a good time to take a stand, not necessarily for Manning but for what he represents: the public’s right to...

TRAX line must align with locals’ needs

April 23, 2013

As U students and frequent commuters we have a good idea of both the positives and negatives of a light rail system. The TRAX line has grown alongside the U, with one of its first lines being the red...