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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Kappa vandalism taken too lightly

By By Jeffrey Jenkins October 22, 2008

This light penalty sends the message to future participants in malicious and benign acts of vandalism that, if questioned, they can lie about their involvement and possibly pay a fraction of the total cost of repair.

U’s pep band should play ‘Louie Louie’ for Sakoda

October 22, 2008

Why don't we hear "Louie Louie" from the band? It is a wonderful band song anyway, but especially for us now.

U.S. health care system in need of major reform

By By Emily Rodriguez-Vargas October 22, 2008

When you cast your vote Nov. 4, keep in mind which candidate will have students in mind when it comes to providing the best health care.

Rape prevention well worth cost

October 22, 2008

Losing this service on campus suggests to future and current victims that the U can't afford to protect them. Even one prevented rape is well worth the expense.

Defense of Tanner mural based on incorrect notions

October 21, 2008

Editor: Dean Robert Newman's response ("Lenowitz's claims about mural inaccurate and unprofessional," Oct. 9) to my letter regarding the tile mural in the entry hall of the Tanner Humanities Building chastises...

Respect needed from all fronts

October 21, 2008

We are so pampered in this country that the common sentiment has unfortunately become that we are owed all good things.

Service requirement doesn?t benefit students

October 21, 2008

Hopefully the committee and student body will see that beyond the good intentions of the proposal, it is just another requirement to pile on students without reason.

Proposed bike center doesn’t solve problem

By By Alicia Williams October 20, 2008

If UTA is not willing to consider the rack system, then it should at least increase the frequency of trains during peak hours for the University line.

Students should utilize new credit bill

By By Emily Rodriguez-Vargas October 20, 2008

Take action right away so Utah will not only be the state with the best law for protecting identities, but also the state with the lowest rate of identity theft.

Smear tactics not helpful

By By Saeng Bounyasane October 20, 2008

Are we a nation that preys on slander and cheers on a candidate who defames his or her opponent? Or are we a nation that exalts virtue and grace?