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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


(Graphic by Cyan Larson | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Linnabary: There Is Renewed Hope for the GOP

By Ian Linnabary, Opinion Writer November 11, 2021

  Not many can say that their childhood bedroom was decorated with GOP elephants, but I can. My dad was very involved with politics, so some of my core childhood memories are at campaign events....

Legislative meeting at the Utah Capital building in Salt Lake City, Utah on Friday, Feb. 23, 2018. (Photo by Cassandra Palor | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Cushman & Kincart: Fund the Utah State Legislature

By KC Ellen Cushman and Sydney Kincart November 11, 2021

  In February 2021, when Utah had extra revenue, 34% of Utahns wanted it to be spent on education and another 28% said all wage earners should receive a tax cut. But we should have considered using...

(Graphic by Sydney Stam | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Bringhurst: Let Billionaires Foot the Bill for Space Travel

By Maggie Bringhurst, Opinion Writer November 5, 2021

  Space exploration is an increasingly profitable sector and billionaires are cashing in. Since Elon Musk’s success with SpaceX, other entrepreneurs have hopped on the train — Richard Branson...

Emergency contraceptive with security protections at Smith's Food and Drug in Salt Lake City, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 (Photo by Brooklyn Critchley | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Buening: Birth Control Isn’t a Cure-All

By Sarah Buening, Assistant Opinion Editor November 5, 2021

  As a teenager experiencing painful, unmanageable periods, I mentioned my discomfort to my doctor. After that, my doctor didn’t hesitate to prescribe hormonal birth control pills. Beforehand,...

(Courtesy Pexels)

Linnabary: Taiwan Is a Country

By Ian Linnabary, Opinion Writer November 5, 2021

  On Oct. 25, 1971, the United Nations (U.N.) passed resolution 2758. This resolution expelled Taiwan (Republic of China) from the U.N. and replaced it with the People's Republic of China. At the...

(Photo by Kevin Cody | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Buening: We’re the Clean Energy Generation

By Sarah Buening, Assistant Opinion Editor November 4, 2021

  In Utah, we have access to many diverse landscapes, from canyons to mountains, deserts to salt flats. With this variance comes unique growth opportunities. Currently, our state is powered...

Dave Chapelle (Courtesy Flickr)

Alexander: Dave Chappelle’s ‘The Closer’ Highlights Netflix’s LGBTQ+ Tokenism

By CJ Alexander, Special Projects Managing Editor November 4, 2021

  Early in October, Netflix released a comedy special by Dave Chappelle, titled “The Closer,” which garnered controversy and intense backlash from the LGBTQ+ community. In the special, Chappelle...

U student Kristin Thompson poses for photograph. (Photo by Hailey Danielson | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Soter: Masks Are Saving Lives but Killing the Environment

By Theadora Soter, Multimedia Managing Editor November 4, 2021

  I know you don’t want to, but we’ve got to talk about masks. Much to everyone’s dismay, the COVID-19 pandemic is not going away anytime soon. This is especially true in Utah where case...

(Photo by Brett Sayles | Courtesy Pexels)

Cushman: Trial by Jury Isn’t Always Just

By KC Ellen Cushman, Opinion Writer November 3, 2021

  The sixth amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees criminal defendants the right to trial by an unbiased jury of their peers. Trial by jury’s place in our constitution comes...

(Graphic by Sydney Stam | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Editorial: Divestment Requires More than an Empty Approval

  Months after the University of Utah’s academic senate approved steps for divestment, the campus community is still left in the dark. Many hoped that a greener campus future would...