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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


U’s Sub-par Recycling Program Forces Students to Recycle Some Materials Off-Campus

By Aaron Clark November 3, 2015

The U has made significant efforts to improve sustainability practices on campus. Since 2008, over $400,000 has been allocated to the Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund that supports environmentally sustainable...

Soccer notes: Finishing woes, preparation for final game & senior week

November 3, 2015

The Utah soccer team heads into the final week of the 2015 regular season game wishing it had more than what it has received. Last weekend’s matchups ended up on two different sides of the spectrum. On...

Humanities Center introduces film series, kicks off with “The Case Against Eight”

November 3, 2015

The Tanner Humanities Center is introducing a new movies series, "The Human Experience in Documentary Films," this month. Marketing manager John Boyack hopes the program will “connect whoever from wherever...

Why iPhones are basically the Matrix

Why iPhones are basically the Matrix

By Justin Adams November 2, 2015

When I show people my phone, they laugh. In entertainment. In shock. But mostly in pity and disbelief. Why? Because I’m a nearly-23-year-old college student, and I have a slider keyboard phone. No,...

Inside the huddle: Utes looking forward to road test in Seattle

November 2, 2015

After a win this last weekend against Oregon State, Utah is shifting gears and preparing to play Washington on the road. Not only have the Utes never beat the Huskies since joining the Pac-12, the last...

U researchers explore origins of Native American population in Alaska

November 2, 2015

U researchers have helped discover ancient genomes, linking back to a time when humans lived on sheets of ice. About 15,000 years ago, North America was connected to modern day Russia and Asia by a bridge...

New Slacklining Course Established Near Union

November 2, 2015

The Union recently installed a slacklining course behind Orson Spencer Hall (OSH). Slacklining typically consists of running a strap of "webbing," usually two inches in width, between a couple anchors...

U Study Shows Electronic Systems in Cars Dangerously Distract Drivers

November 2, 2015

“Hey Siri, crash my car.” While these are not words you’re likely to hear, U researchers believe it’s what drivers are asking for when they interact with electronic systems in their car. Their...

Take Time for Tea: Wide Variety of Teas Makes Perfect Fall Beverage

November 2, 2015

It can be difficult for a tea lover in a coffee-powered society. When somebody asks you if you want to grab a coffee you have to ask, “Do they have a good tea menu?” What avid coffee drinkers may not...

The Threat of A.I. – Artifical Introversion in a Extroverted Economy

November 2, 2015

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? It’s a question you might have run into while browsing Facebook or Pinterest. Maybe in the form of a six-question quiz titled “Discover who you are!” with the...