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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


U Tankers Hit Pool with AFA, Wyoming

January 23, 2002
After coming off a heartbreaking loss to Colorado State, the U women, along with their male counterparts, head east this weekend to compete against Wyoming and Air Force. This will be the first competitive swim for the men since their Jan. 12 loss to Washington.

Patriots Will Win It Because They Shouldn’t

January 23, 2002
Last Saturday when Raiders cornerback Charles Woodson blitzed off the defensive left end and knocked the ball out of the hands of New England quarterback Tom Brady, all of the street-wise educated football folk I was watching the game with at the Chinese Gourmet figured the game to be over.

Bush Wants $50 Billion For Terrorism War

By , , and January 23, 2002
WASHINGTON?President Bush called Wednesday for nearly $50 billion in additional military spending for the war on terrorism, the largest increase for the Pentagon in two decades. Privately, he assured Republican and Democratic leaders that he has "no ambition whatsoever" to exploit the war on terrorism for political gain in this election year.

Senators Support Enron Inquiry

January 23, 2002
WASHINGTON?Four top Democratic senators Wednesday gave their full support to a General Accounting Office inquiry into meetings between the Bush White House and industry leaders on Bush's energy policy. The senators, including Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut and Carl Levin of Michigan, are spearheading the Senate probe of energy trading company Enron.

Prisoner Wants to Return to Mexico

January 23, 2002
POINT OF THE MOUNTAIN?Filomeno Ruiz, serving a sentence of five years to life for his part in the slayings of two fellow ranch hands, wants the Board of Pardons to waive $20,000 in restitution to expedite his return to his native Mexico. Ruiz, 37, and his boss, Duchesne County rancher John Pinder, were sentenced for the slayings of Rex Tanner, 59, and June Flood, 48, in 1998.

6 Men Charged for Recent Shooting

January 23, 2002
CALCUTTA, India?Police arrested three Bangladeshis and three Indian teachers at an Islamic school and charged them in an attack on a U.S. cultural center that left four policemen dead, officials said Wednesday. The Indian government appeared to back down from its earlier assertion that the shooting in Calcutta was a terrorist attack, saying it was too early to tell the motive, after the United States said it was not certain the attack was political.

Powell Asks Arafat To Curb Fighting

January 23, 2002
WASHINGTON?With the Islamic militant group Hamas threatening to unleash "all-out war," Secretary of State Colin Powell telephoned Yasser Arafat Wednesday to urge him to curb attacks on Israel. The fighting has sidetracked mediation efforts by Anthony Zinni, a former Marine general who has made two unsuccessful attempts to restore a cease-fire.

U.S. Forces Confiscate Thousands of Weapons

January 23, 2002
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan?U.S. special forces and their Afghan allies confiscated thousands of weapons from a local warlord Wednesday, a top aide to Kandarhar's governor said, as they pressed the search for Taliban and al Qaeda renegades in southern Afghanistan.

Combat Economic Drought With Rainy Day Fund

January 23, 2002
What annual event features more trash talk than WWF Smackdown and more punches than a Mike Tyson news conference? The Utah state legislative session, of course. This year promises not to disappoint. Even before Monday's opening of the six week session, legislators and lobbyists displayed signs of surliness, including a brawl over gun rights.

Student Rally Doesn’t Catch Eyes of Lawmakers

January 23, 2002
Students from Utah's private and public colleges rallied to fight a large tuition increase on the steps of the state Capitol Wednesday, but the rally received little attention from state legislators. Rep. Afton Bradshaw, R-Salt Lake City, said the major problem with the rally was poor planning.