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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Games Will Force Some Students Out of Homes

January 6, 2002
Students may already feel the daily impact of the Olympics with limited parking, the mass residence halls relocation and the prospect of a month-long Spring Break. But few may realize some students must scramble to find new housing during the Olympics. Many landlords throughout town are hiking up rental rates or evicting tenants to make room for Olympic guests.

Olympics Give Protesters Chance at Limelight

January 6, 2002
The Student Green Party thought it found the perfect place to make a statement about the Olympics. The strip of grass near Carlson Hall laid out the perfect course for a mock Olympic torch run. According to the Greens' plans, a six-pack of Coke, a Happymeal, running shoes and other products would weigh down an activist-torchbearer.

Marines Capture Camp Leader, Omar Escapes

January 6, 2002
KABUL, Afghanistan?U.S. Marines took custody of the chief of Osama bin Laden's terrorist training camps in Afghanistan, while the Afghan government said Saturday it appeared former Taliban supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar had escaped forces penning him in.

Keeping Watch: Olympic Security Measures

January 6, 2002
One month away from the Opening Ceremony the Olympic presence can be seen across campus?not in the form of athletes and spectators, but in fences and tents. Olympic security is always a big priority. But the events of Sept. 11 shook the nation and sparked an avalanche of safety concerns leading to changes in legislation and government policy across the nation.

Catching the Spotlight: U Marketers Hope to Cash in on the Games

January 6, 2002
U public relations officers are gearing up for the greatest competition of their lives. The Olympics are coming to town in one month's time, giving the PR gurus a chance to grab the world's ear with the hope that a little media coverage will greatly impact campus.

Desegregation Settlement Reaches End

By and January 4, 2002
JACKSON, Miss. (AP)?A federal judge said Thursday he's ready to approve a settlement in Mississippi's long-running college desegregation case if the Legislature assures him it supports the $500 million pact. In a 10-page opinion released Thursday, U.S. District Judge Neal Biggers Jr.

Students Using ASUU Child Care More Frequently

By , , , , , and January 4, 2002
The latest option in child care for children of U students is quickly filling up. The Associated Students of the University of Utah Child Care Center, a facility that can care for 80 children daily, is almost filled to capacity. The facility opened Oct. 3, but ran at only 30 percent of its capacity as few children used the center last semester.

Quote of the Day

By , , , , , and January 4, 2002
"I'll be the first administration in ASUU that does anthing dramatic."

Greek Row Elects a New Slate of Leaders

January 4, 2002
A new slate of Greek Council members to be sworn in Monday now assumes the roles of peacemakers with neighbors and recruiters with the student body. This year Rebecca McAdams will serve as the Panhellenic Council president and Cory Peterson will serve as the Interfraternity Council president.

The Next Golden Age of Medicine

By , , and January 4, 2002

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