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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Anti-War Rally at Penn State

By By U Wire October 8, 2001

By U WirePHILADELPHIA?Eleven student activists from Penn for Peace made plans to attend an anti-war march in Center City, Penn., more than a week ago. What they didn?t know when they planned the event,...

Because of Oly Traffic, U Orders Books Early

October 8, 2001

Although Fall Semester may seem as if it is barely underway and Spring Semester lies in the distant future, University Bookstore is planning for it already, and making sure that the professors do as well.Because...

Quote of the Day

By , , and October 8, 2001

"Now is not the time to feel powerless of irrelevant."#post_author_author, .post_author_avatar, .post_author_box{ display: none; }

Trustees Hear Oly Parking Concerns

October 8, 2001

Norm Chambers gets a little worried when he thinks about March 7. That morning, the Salt Lake Organizing Committee will have control of 29 percent of the University of Utah?s parking. By that afternoon,...

Trampled Underfoot: Miracles of the Soil Are Threatened by Straying Hikers

October 8, 2001

It seems as if soil causes the least concern in an ecosystem, apart from the third-grade lecture about not littering. But unlike most national parks that ask you to take pictures and leave only footprints,...

U Student Named Olympic Torchbearer

October 8, 2001

When Tiffany Barnes first spoke before an audience, she realized something extraordinary.?I noticed how much of a difference it made, how it opened people?s eyes,? the University of Utah sophomore said....

Letter to the Editor

By Jim Matheson Congressman, 2nd DistrictEditor:I am writing in response to John Morley's recent column on Utah's redistricting process in The Daily Utah Chronicle. Like John, I am disappointed in the...

How I Learned To Leave The Trail

October 8, 2001

There comes a time in everyone?s life when, tired with the normal routine of an ordinary existence, you hunt for something more satisfying.Some will not be satisfied with anything less dangerous than extreme...

U Considers Master’s of Science and Technology Degree

October 8, 2001

As it grew, Idaho Technology faced a dilemma.The company?which develops ways to test food, blood and the environment for micro-organisms?needed people with strong science backgrounds, but also with business...

Law Professor Argues Victims’ Rights

October 8, 2001

Patrick Casey molested his stepchild.Due to an unusually lenient plea bargain, he received only an eight-month prison sentence. Neither the child nor the mother, Cynthia, had the chance to make a statement...