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A&M students, alumni respond to column

On Tuesday, Sept. 9, The Chronicle ran a sports column by Chris Bellamy titled “Cult! Fear and loathing in College Station,” a parody of the intense school spirit on Texas A&M’s campus.

It didn’t take long before the column circulated all the way to Texas A&M, and students and alumni began responding by the dozens. Chris has received more than 200 e-mails so far-almost all of which came from people in Texas.

The responses were varied. Many current and former A&M students were very positive about it, and found it funny. Some were quite offended, while others had mixed feelings.

It has received such a strong response, in fact, that the column is now the subject of quite a few message boards and forums on the Internet.

Here are just a few of the letters we have received:

I have to say that as an Aggie, your piece on Yell Practice was hilarious. It made me think of all the good times we had back then-and believe me they were good-NO they were GREAT. We used to crush teams like Utah-instead of escaping with a win. The Wrecking Crew dominated-what you saw on the field was NOT the Wrecking Crew. Thanks for making me laugh so hard that I think I cried. You’ve probably gotten a ton of hate mail from “The Keepers of the Spirit,” but if they can’t take a joke-screw them. After all we have a saying, “From the outside looking in, you can’t understand it-From the inside looking out, you just can’t explain it.” Gig ’em.

Ed. H

Class of ’97

This is coming from a Texas A&M former student, and I just want to say this is one of the best articles that I have read in quite a while, seriously. Much better than the work in the Battalion at A&M while I was there.Keep up the good work.

Gig ‘Em.

Ryan Aldrich


I would like to start off with telling you I am the Proudest Member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie class of 2007!


This is in response to a recent article you wrote after you “accidentally” attended an Aggie Midnight Yell Practice.Rule No. 1 of Texas A&M, NO STUPID! Your article was…STUPID, and we are having a field day with it. You should have realized before you came to College Station that Texas A&M is the biggest unofficial cult in the nation.No other school rivals us when it comes to school pride. Yes we do have 35,000 people show up to our “pep rally” to support our football team. But we don’t smell, we don’t wear white cloaks and burn candles and we don’t chant. We follow five Yell Leaders dressed in overalls, we burned our cloaks a long time ago!Wewear our overalls with pride, and yell at the top of our lungs to support our fellow Aggies! As far as our Corps of Cadets Band looking like the Third Reich…I will let one of the Corps members set you straight on that. We are Aggies and we have immense pride in our school, our state and our country.

We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we, true to each other as Aggies can be.


P.S. At least I’m not a Ute.

Dear Mr. Bellamy,

Well, I am the proudest member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class Of 2004. My name is Abby Brannam. I got a kick out of your satirical article; however, there were some things that need correcting. First, we only bring out our “long, white cloaks and burning candles” on lynching nights, silly.Not at yell practice. Also, there are five Nazi-men in overalls throwing Hitler signs at us, not four.And, we certainly do not sing old cult hymns to Dennis Franchione. I would venture to say that more than 50 percent of the student body and alumni are not too keen on him. In fact, he is the next victim at our next month’s lynching ceremony. Also, the yell leaders never tell us to “Riiiiiise Up.” We stand the whole time. And, we don’t sacrifice virgins anymore. Just small-time journalists who come into our territory and talk a lot of jive when they go home. So, I guess you’re next. I’ll make sure give the Football Sacrificial Committee your contact information. You should receive a card in the mail. Oh,and not to worry, we do go out, get wasted and have sex with strangersAFTER Midnight Yell Practice, not before.Well, maybe a little sex before.And, as farour band, we don’t think that plumesmake a good fashion statement.

Mr. Bellamy, I wasn’t sure how to take your article about one of the most beloved schools in the nation. However, after much consideration, I figured it would be better to just laugh. You and your Mormon cult you probably belong to in Utah would need to pick on someone else for a change, I suppose. In all actuality, you should know all about cult rituals. You live in a state that was founded on it. I also figured that you obviously don’t know much about tradition. Well, buddy, that is something that we happen to know A LOT about. More than you or any of your Utes will ever know. We also know about camaraderie. I do believe that the representation of Utah Utes in our stadium was quite pathetic. Maybe that’s because the men’s wives andchildren were at home in their Sunday dress waiting for their loving husband and father to come back so that the family could go to the Temple to pray for the cult-like nonsense that was going on in College Station, Texas. Actually, they should be going in to pray for themselves as they perform cult like nonsense in every aspect of their life. Anyway, that’s not the point. If the game would have been held there, you would have seen asea of maroon. We would have out numbered your fans. Now, that’s pretty pathetic, don’t you think? The point is this and only this. In one of our yells, we chanted, “BEAT THE HELL OUT OF UTAH!” Which I guess this particular hex did work, because I do remember that, oh, yes, that is what happened. Oh, and as of our lowly knowledge of our academic program, I do believe that all of our collegiate programs out-rank the fabulous programs at the U. Well, I don’t know, they may have a better MRS program. I think that’sthe only thing that Mormon women are allowed to major in. I guess youhave us there. So, Mr. Bellamy,in closing, I hope thatyou and your Achmed, or whatever his name was, friend are afraid. In fact, be very afraid. Because next time, you might not make it out alive. Wemight have to hold a special Hullabaloo Hanging ceremony just for you. Whoop!!

Abby Brannam

Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2004

Dear Mr. Bellamy,

I’m sure that you have received many e-mails regarding your column on the Midnight Yell at Texas A&M the other weekend. Truth is…a mass e mail was sent out by a group of my friends sending your article around and asking people to reply. Me, being a true and faithful Aggie, had to respond. However, I am not here to complain and rag on you for “dogging” our traditions because I (unlike some of my not-so smart colleagues) was able to see your article for what it really was-a parody. I sent a copy of your article to all my family and friends, who thought it to be very amusing. We at A&M are very proud of our traditions and hold them near and dear to our hearts. I am a transfer student to A&M this fall and coming from someone who has only been here a month, it’s really something that just sucks you right it (the cult comparison isn’t that far off!!!). I find it very refreshing that the majority of our students would rather spend a Friday night doing fun, “meaningless” yells and standing with others than getting “trashed and running around the streets naked” (because that can get old really fast). Thanks so much for the insightful article you wrote about our Midnight Yell. I had been looking for a good explanation to send back to my friends at my previous University, but couldn’t find the words to explain it-now thanks to you, I am able to express just how weird my new school is.

Natalie Key

Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2006!!!!!

Chris! What a GREAT article! That was so funny….and true! If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, “I am a proud Aggie cult member!” I honestly say that!

You did a great job capturing Yell from a non-Aggie, f
unny perspective. Great reading!


Kathy Hopkins

Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of ’91

Dear Mr. Bellamy,

This is in reference to your article, “Cult! Fear and loathing in College Station.”

I am very distressed by your impression of our quaint, little college town and the high degree of school spirit that we hold so dear. Were you accosted during your stay here? Was anyone rude to you (besides the inevitable stupid drunk college student after midnight yell)? Would you rather be in a place where people yell obscenities and insult your family heritage simply because you don’t root for their team?

We Aggies believe in supporting our team. You support yours and I will support mine. We don’t have to make derogatory comments about the other guy’s team, it’s counterproductive! We have developed an atmosphere that every other college dreams of…the whole crowd doing the cheers that the cheerleaders are begging them to say with them. You just ask your cheerleaders if they would like it if the WHOLE student section participated in the cheers. They will look at you sideways and say it will never happen…they don’t have enough “school spirit.” What we do is help the team. I think it is pretty intimidating for a team who has never experienced Kyle Field to face our crowd that knows when to yell and when not to, and then yells phrases in unison.

I take great offense to your references about the KKK and Hitler. I was a member of the Aggie Band. The uniform is what was worn byOUR uniformed services during 1940s-1960s. Maybe you associate the band’s appearance with the Third Reich because during yourDiscovery Channel watching, they were wearing the uniform that defeated Hitler.

I am sorry for you that you couldn’t appreciate the finest and largestmilitary-style marching band in the world. I am sorry that you couldn’t step back and look at the football experience/spirit at Texas A&M for the positive thing that it is. Fear of the unknown and unfamiliar is what causes you to put down what you know nothing about. I would’ve expected a “true journalist” to be naturally curious and investigate. Instead you merely insult and mislead. The funny sounding words from our War Hymn that you saidhad us “speaking in tongues” is actually an American-Indian dialect.

So, let’s see…a journalist from the state that is home to the Church of [Jesus Christ of] Latter-day Saints has succeeded in insulting a majoruniversity, the local town and its alumni who have supplied more officers to fight in our countries world wars than all the service academies combined by associating us with devil worshipers, mass murderers and idiotic bigots. I sure hope your mother is proud of you for this accomplishment.

May you some day grow to writing positive material about new experiences you encounter.


Garth Morgan


That was some of the best satire I’ve read in a long time.

Sean Fischbach,

TAMU ’92

I am an Aggie, Class of ’58, ergo 66 years old. I have just read you column concerning your first experience with Midnight Yell Practice at Kyle Field.

I thought the column was wonderful. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it. The things which happen at A&M are almost impossible to describe adequately, if you have not been a part of the as an Aggie. But you did a great job. Your football team did not seem to be as awed as you and your friends were. Thanks for the fun.

George Ragsdale

Class of ’58

Dear Mr. Bellamy

Great article on your experience at “Midnight Yell Practice” in College Station. I still have a smile on my face.

I am a former student (supposedly there is no such thing as an ‘ex Aggie’) of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas (the old name, now changed to TAMU) and find it interesting to read how other folks react to the Aggie traditions. Thank you for making your observations in a light-hearted manner-we all need to not take this too seriously.

I hope you enjoyed your visit to College Station. One thing that the majority of Ags DO want to do is to make our visitors feel welcome in Aggieland.

Best Regards

Eric D Johnston, PE

Sanha Condensate Project-Drilling



Your story, “Cult! Fear and Loathing in College Station” was awesome. It perfectly summarized the experiences I have had when traveling to see Texas Tech play Texas A&M. Most individuals who were educated at this institution seem to lose there sense of rational thought, and I call them fanatics rather than fans. I rarely send responses to newspaper articles I read, however, this story hit too close to the feelings I have experienced for years. I, too, am usually conflicted with respect for their dedication, or concern for their mental well-being.

By the way, I’m not sure if you are aware, but this story is quickly becoming a “cult” hit, creating e-mail chains and being posted on numerous Web boards. Maybe your experience at “Yell” did somehow reel you in.

Jonathan Kelly

Dallas, Tex.

I’m writing in response to your very unprofessional article about A&M. I just wanted to let you know what you experienced this past weekend was NOT a cult but a family that has one thing in common-we are all Aggies and we all hold the Aggie Spirit dear to us.

1. We do not have a “school marching band” we have the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band, which is and has been for a long time the number one military percussion marching band in all of the U.S.!

2. I quote, “None of us could speak. What the hell just happened, we all thought to ourselves. That wasn’t just school spirit-it was something different altogether. Those people were just…different. If this wasn’t a cult, I didn’t know what was.” What you felt that was different is THE AGGIE SPIRIT!!!! That is what makes A&M different from every college in the United States. Be glad that you had the opportunity to experience it!

3. Well, you know maybe if Utah had an ounce of Spirit as Aggies do, then maybe you would have won the game. We drive maroon cars because we love maroon and white. We wear Aggie shirts because we are proud to be Aggies. And we don’t care who knows!

4. Just to inform you that we are not a cult, because we WANT to do these yells, wear overalls and gather at midnight because we love who we are and we know that A&M is a special place. And honestly we feel sorry for those that have not had the experience to be a part of something so great-the Aggie Family.

5.We have five Yell leaders here! Not four!

6. Don’t be a bad sport because we take pride in our school. And we don’t just do this for the football team, we do it because it is tradition!

Maybe you should check out the rest of our traditions…Muster, Silver Taps and Bonfire. Then you might be able to understand why we hold tradition so dear! I know you did not see any Aggie make fun of you guys, why you ask…because we are better than that. You have no right to ridicule A&M just because you felt out of place. Maybe if you knew what you were talking about you could write an educated article, but you don’t have a clue. I hate to be you when all of the millions of other Aggies find out what you wrote. HEHEH! I leave you with this quote…

“From the outside looking in you can’t understand it. From the inside looking out, you can’t explain it!”

Leslie Lee

Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2004! WHOOP!!!!!

I just wanted to say that was a great article. Quite funny. Oh, I am a current student (5th year) at Texas A&M. Great game last week. I know you are probably receiving some e-mail from people who thought this was meant as a jab at A&M. Please remember satire is sometimes difficult to see for many people.

Good luck with California Thursday.

If you get a chance you may want to attend the yell practice next year in Salt Lake City. There is always a yell practice in the away-game city. You would probably get a kick out of our attempt to take over your beloved city with our chanting.

Cory Stoddart

This is regarding Chris Bellamy’s article “Cult! Fear and loathing in College Station”:

I think it is pretty sad that Chris finds it necessary to write an article such as this to apparently justify your team losing to ours. Most of the article is comprised of concocted stories that don’t even sound believable.

Chris doesn’t even have simple facts correct: 1) the name of the event he attended is called Midnight Yell Practice, NOT “The Yell,” and 2) there are five Yell Leaders, NOT four.

I think it is extremely sad that your school would allow Chris to write and publish falsities that deface and stereotype another school as well as its whole town. Texas A&M is trying to make strides to educate our student body to have an open mind regarding backgrounds, beliefs and practices we do not participate in or understand ourselves. I would hope that other schools would promote the same attitude.

It would seem logical that someone writing for another school’s newspaper would be respectful of time-honored traditions that are a HUGE part of another school. We have a saying around here: “From the outside looking in, you can’t understand it. From the inside looking out, you can’t explain it.”

Just because someone does not understand what we do and why it is so important to us, does not mean that they should be allowed to stereotype our school. Doing so may provide some sad enjoyment for them, but for us, it is a personal attack.

I can only hope that this will never happen again.


Abby Howell

Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2005

T-Camp 2003 Camp Dunsford Counselor

Aggie Recruitment Committee Whoopin Weekend 2004 Co Director

Howdy Camp 2004 Co-Chair

Mr. Bellamy:

That was the funniest damn article I have ever read.I had to pick myself up off of the floor at my workplace.I bet you guys had no idea what you were getting into. I, for one, admire you and your comrades for sticking it out. What you witnessed last Friday night is tradition, my friend.There is no other place like Texas A&M on earth.You can attest to that.That is what makes it a special place.Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your article.I do not believe that it could have been written any better if you tried.Hilarious!!!Thanks for the laughs.


Shannon J. Herklotz

Large Jail Network and Complaint Inspector

Texas Commission on Jail Standards

P.S.It should not be compared to a cult. It is called “Family.”Once an Aggie, always an Aggie!!

I am a graduate of the University of Texas and an Aggie “friend” of mine just sent me your article in The Daily Utah Chronicle. I have never read anything so damn hilarious in all of my life. You have just put into words what every Longhorn has felt all their lives.

Great article!

Daniel B. Reid

RBC Builder Finance

Houston, TX


Your article is absolutely beautiful! I e-mailed this around my office and like clockwork could hear the laughter as each Aggie among us read their mail.

You almost captured how strongly we Aggies feel towards our University and fellow Aggies.

There’s a common truth spoken about Aggie Spirit. Unless you’ve experienced it, you’ll never understand it; and if you have, you can never explain it to someone who hasn’t. Though your article must be one of the best attempts ever!

Thanks for the insight…from outside our cult!

Landon W. Griffin

Software Engineer

Transcore, Inc.

Living in Utah, I figure you would know a cult when you see one. The Mormons live there!!!

First off, there are five yell leaders. Two sophomores and three seniors. They are voted in by the student body. We stand and support the team in a Friday night pep rally at midnight and call it a Midnight Yell. We do our yells and sing the songs because we have school spirit and tradition backed by 100+ years of history.

We stand all through midnight yell and the football games because one game in Old Army days, the Aggies were losing a football game and most of the players were injured and there was not enough to keep playing. So one of the students volunteered to suit up and stand on the sidelines waiting to go in and help his fellow Aggies in the game. He was not needed because no one else was taken out of the game, but E. King Gil stood there on the sidelines as the 12th man on the team waiting to go out when he was needed. The student body of A&M is known as the 12th Man, because we are all waiting to go out and help.

When we raise our hands and praise our class, sorry we don’t worship the lawwdd at games. We have wildcatters for each class. The Freshman have the most basic of wildcatters, they just hold their hands and scream “AAAAAAAAAAAAAA” as loud as they can. One long “A.” The sophomores have a little better yell and they yell “A A A A A.” Five “A”s and that’s it. They are the most annoying and they can sometimes get junior privileges and yell with the juniors. “A A A Whoop!” Seniors have the best yell. “A Whoop!” These are done to show pride in your class and to say (in less words) “Yes, I agree with that!”

The cannon belongs to the Parsons Mounted Calvary and they fire it when A&M scores our when they are mentioned at midnight yell. As each class has their own wildcatter, this is an equivalent response when the cannon is manned. This shows agreement and support with stories told by the leaders. The PMC is the only mounted calvary left in Texas and they are very proud to be.

What compelled you to go to College Station a day early and spend the night with our team and school? You are from Utah. You are welcome at midnight yell, but you don’t have to do anything except respect our traditions and history. I find it very odd that you know enough of our lyrics in our songs, but you knew nothing about the tradition of midnight yell. You quoted the most missed line, even by Aggies, in our war hymn.

Although there was no reason to be scared, I’m glad you don’t plan on coming back. And if you do…bring a team that can play!

A Whoop!

Stuart Matthews

Fighting Texas Aggie

Class of 2004

Electronic Engineering Technology

Your article on Texas A&M was the funniest, but most dead-on, piece of journalism I have ever read. I only wished someone had warned you and your friends about what you getting yourselves into. Good luck to the Utes this season, I am now a fan.


Michael Metcalf

Austin, Texas

You just don’t get it, do you? When I read your article about your experience at Texas A&M I realized you are severely uninformed about our traditions, so you are about to get a crash course. I understand that you want to understand what we supposedly cultish Aggies are about but we are more than Midnight Yell (and for the record, there are five boys in overalls, otherwise known as our Yell Leaders). We also have traditions like Silver Taps and Muster when we remember all our fellow Aggies who have passed away. Midnight Yell is the tradition associated with football season. It is a way to bring the student body together in a peaceful celebration of football, for if you didn’t know, in Texas, football is life. As to the “loathing” of Utah, what you heard at Midnight Yell is nothing but friendly bickering and ranting that happens at bars in any college town. We simply collect together where we can be with those who feel the same way. In other towns, what is said in bars can lead to fights and vandalism. Texas A&M is one of the safest campuses there is.

You said you could not understand why we Aggies weren’t out having sex, getting drunk and vandalizing public property. I don’t know anything about your school, but if that is what you do for fun, maybe you should think about a change in your way of life. Would you rather us be like other colleges who not only vandalize their own campus but private property and people’s homes? If you have nothing like Midnight Yell at your college, I feel deeply sorry for you.

As a first
generation Aggie, I was overwhelmed when I first came to the school, but it did not take long to realize this is a special place. Here in Aggieland, we have a respect for others and a school seeped in tradition. Some of them, like Silver Taps and Muster, are the most touching a person can ever experience. We gather together in large numbers to celebrate our spirit and help the community through volunteer projects such as Replant and Big Event. There are no alumni here, only former students.

So before you go bashing a school, you have only visited once, perhaps it would be best if you learned more about the school, especially one who has a long-standing military tradition, before you go comparing it to the Third Reich. If you didn’t know, the Aggies sent more than 11,000 young men, 8,000 of them officers, to fight in WWII to fight the very people you compared us to. We also have a very high turnout of officers into the U.S. Armed Forces, the very people who defend you so you can write your stories, regardless of whether they are based on fact or your personal opinion. To compare the Aggie to the worst regime ever known in history is like a slap in the face to all the Armed Forces men who are currently serving you and the entire Aggie family around the globe. We also have a building dedicated to all those who gave their lives in service to our country called the Memorial Student Center. It is a hallowed ground and a place for us to remember all those who passed away. We also have seven medal of honor winners. Think before you compare us to the Third Reich or the KKK. Any Aggie who reads your uninformed article will take what you have said as a personal insult to our patriotism and pride.

So if you want to understand us, look past Midnight Yell to the underlying spirit that fires it. It is not cultic fervor, but the Spirit of Aggieland. Here is the best way I can describe the Aggie Spirit: “From the outside looking in, you can’t understand. From the inside looking out, you can’t explain it.” I hope what I have written today has helped you understand a little of what the Aggies are all about. So before you go bashing what you do not have (spirit and class) learn a little more and be a little more open minded. Maybe your student body could learn a few things from us about what spirit and commitment are.

Kathryn Stribley

Class of 2006

Texas A&M University

Rick Bowers ’02

Information Management

S&B Engineers & Constructors

Houston, Texas

Dear Sir,

I’ve read your article on you and your colleague’s experience at Midnight Yell Practice on the Texas A&M Campus on Friday night, September 5.

I enjoyed your “tongue-in cheek” humor with your take on an outsider’s point of view about what goes on at a Fightin’ Texas Aggie Midnight Yell Practice.

Just a few things you might want to note:

1. Texas A&M does not have any, nor will ever have any, ‘cheers’ for its athletic teams. We do yells. Lots of yells. All of them coordinated. They are learned and memorized by heart at an event during the summer before your freshman year at Texas A&M called Fish Camp. We remember these yells even as alumni, or Former Students as we like to call ourselves, for years and years after we graduate.

2. You missed Yell Practice after the game on Saturday night for our game against Virginia Tech next week. There are normally at least about 500-600 Aggies who turn out for that Yell Practice after each game, sometimes more, depending on how dark it is and how late is to be able to get to the Dixie Chicken before it closes.

3. 35,000 people is a small number to attend a yell practice. I have seen up to 40,000-50,000 people show up for a Midnight Yell (common abbreviation) for the t.u. (texas university, sometimes called the university of texas) on the day before our hallowed Thanksgiving Day game.

4. Your colleague was not going to get raped for not doing what he was told, scolded severely by guys and girls probably, but not raped, unless an Aggie female without a date to Yell Practice found him attractive enough to grab and overwhelm.

5. What you experienced was not a cult. It was The Spirit of Aggieland. It gets into our Maroon blood from the minute we go through summer Freshman orientation, to the time we spend at Fish Camp (see item #1 above), throughout our student time at Texas A&M University, and stays with us past graduation and until we die either in war, on the job, driving, flying, swimming, or just of old age as an Old Ag. I would not expect anyone who has never before seen up close and first hand an outpouring of the Spirit of Aggieland and not come away shaken to their core and unchanged as a person.

You will not find a campus more friendly to strangers in the entire U.S., hands down. You will not find a group who will fight harder or put more effort into accomplishing a goal or work as a team than a group of Aggies, either, for that matter.

I’m glad you came away with a positive feeling and captured that in your article. I could tell you had thought about insulting us at first but had changed your mind after taking a visit to campus. Come back any time and be sure to check out the Dixie Chicken and Freebird’s World Burrito on the North side of campus off of University drive, then, once your belly is filled and you’ve had a beer or two, swing by campus and walk through it and enjoy seeing and talking to people. be sure to go visit the MSC and read the Aggie Congressional Medal of Honor recipients in the North side of the building on the ground floor. Just be sure to take off your hat when you go inside, and, please, don’t walk on the grass. You WILL be corrected quickly if you forget.

The MSC stands for Memorial Student Center, which is in itself a memorial to those who have died in all wars past, present, and future, Aggies or not, protecting our freedom and liberties, which you, as a U.S. citizen and collegiate member of the press (I am assuming you are a University of Utah student here, forgive me if you are not) now enjoy.


6. What you experienced before, during, and after the game, is only a small part of being an Aggie and part of the Aggie spirit. We do far more while being a student and after we graduate that adds much more to being an Aggie than anyone who is not an Aggie can truly comprehend. There is Muster. Graduation. Silver Taps. Elephant Walk, Grode Stories, BONFIRE (some of us still have the true burning flame of BONFIRE in our minds), eating at Sbisa Dining Hall, the second largest in the nation in size and capability of serving large numbers of students during one meal, the Association of Former Students, the 12th Man, Reveille, and so much more than I have room to type here or time to explain. I have to go meet my wife and daughter to eat at Double Dave’s Pizza, which just opened in our neighborhood, for supper. Double Dave’s Pizza is another Aggie tradition, especially the Pepperoni Rolls. Try one if you ever get the chance.

Just like with the Spirit of Aggieland, you get Gigged for life.

I enjoyed your article. I hope you have enjoyed mine.

Gig ‘Em

Robert Broussard, Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of ’90

Pearland, Texas

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