Another end to another year. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. But I must say, as this is my third and last column in the sports section, it’s been quite a ride.
In retrospect, this last year has been life-shaping. Seriously.
Just kidding.
I went from news editor of The Daily Utah Chronicle to running for vice president of the Associated Students of the University of Utah to my current situation: writing sports and loving it.
But apparently I’ve worn out my three-week welcome. Actually I had to decide between this current gig and a stint as the diversity director in ASUU.
I’ve made my choice, and I don’t necessarily stand by it.
Just kidding.
But I must say, as eventful as the calendar has been for me this past year, the lessons I’ve learned can be boiled down to the last three weeks I’ve spent as a sports writer at The Chrony.
Not only because it’s a team full of extremely cool and unique individuals who are a lot of fun to work with every day, but because it’s also allowed me to appreciate my experiences on this campus, almost regardless of what they are.
Just kidding.
So because I probably won’t get many more chances (that is to say, if I ever get one again) to rant and rave about whatever the heck I want, I’ll leave readers with words of wisdom from someone who’s been around the block on this campus. (I’m also someone many have taken time out of their busy schedules to tell he’s stupid.)
Here they are: Do as much as you can while you’re here, and whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability, and then some.
That’s it. That’s all I’ve got.
But I’m not saying it to be cheesy, though I know it lacks not in cheese. No. I’m saying it because I’m serious, and it’ll be the one thing I take, if anything, from my college experience, which God only knows when will end.
Just kidding.
Don’t get me wrong.
School is for the education. But depending on what you do, you may or may not use what you learn from your textbooks. What you learn outside of the class, I would argue, will stay with you forever, however.
The beauty of it is you could do anything. Join a board in ASUU, join the Muss or hell, if nothing else, write sports at The Chrony.
Just kidding, team. I love you guys.
But seriously, I just think it’s in your best interest. Ask anyone on this campus who has been involved in one thing or another compared with a student who goes to class and that’s it.
I also happen to know (after many month of campaigning and talking to countless students) that interest is not the only variable. Work, family or any other time commitment can easily get in the way, especially when you’re talking about extracurricular activities.
But hey, this is college. Here, extracurricular doesn’t necessarily mean resume-builder.
Here, it can mean changing people’s lives. You don’t have to believe me, but then again, who are you to say if you don’t know?
Just kidding.
If you’ve got one free hour during the entirety of your week in which you’re pretty sure you won’t be doing anything else useful, devote it to something productive on campus.
This is a big campus, and there are too many people who either don’t have the time or desire to do anything about the lack of community, continuously raising tuition or a plethora of other irritating realities.
Well, either step up or shut up.
Just kidding.
Remember, life is like a sport. You’ll only do well if you get in the game and play. Reading about it on the sidelines may make you smart, but it’s not going to do much more. In conclusion, I’ve just wasted 150 lines and five minutes of your time.
Unless you still read at a fifth grade level.
Just kidding.