Maggie Moo’s1135 E. Wilmington Ave.412-0222U-Discount: NoFive out of five plates (food)Three out of five stars (ambiance)$10
Take a look outside. Go on.
What do you see?
Snow, everywhere. Piles and piles of white, fluffy powder lavishly coating every building, road, tree and grassy knoll. And do you know why? Does anyone know why all this frosted whiteness has fallen down upon our fair city?
No, not because low atmospheric temperatures have resulted in the deposition of water molecules, which then fall to the ground in crystalline form and aggregate into those ubiquitous, silky drifts.
The real reason, which the scientific community has not yet stumbled upon, is that the world wants ice cream.
Yes, it’s true. The perceptive atmosphere is merely trying to fulfill us earthlings’ craving for that creamiest of frozen desserts.
And snow is the best way it knows how.
Fortunately for us, though, there is a place that will gladly provide us with ice cream that is far superior to the sky’s icy, creamless and flavorless rendition (unless pollution counts as a flavor).
Maggie Moo’s offers what is, without a doubt, the city’s-and possibly world’s-best ice cream.
Seriously-I personally tested all the competition, and no other ice creamery prepares this divine dessert as well as Maggie, a cow rumored to have left the countryside for the glamorous city life. And it was a good move on her part because it enabled the world to partake of her delicious ice cream.
Maggie’s ice cream is the best for several reasons. First, it is made fresh every day, in the store, not shipped in like at some other places.
Second, it is amazingly rich and creamy-it’s like a velvety dream world for your tongue to explore. This ice cream is so delicious that it honestly makes me suspect competitors of mixing water into their milk and cream before freezing it.
Third, the flavors. Maggie offers a huge array of flavors, and they change every day. There are all the classic ones, such as chocolate, dark chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and vanilla bean (Maggie’s is the only ice cream parlor to win awards for the best of all five flavors from the National Ice Cream Retailers Association and has done so for eight years in a row). But then there are the more inventive flavors, such as apple strudel, crme brule, cinnamon (dubbed “cinnamoo”), chai tea, key lime and, the three most astonishing ones of them all: marshmallow, cake batter and cotton candy. They taste JUST LIKE their namesakes-it’s crazy!
Fourth, the mix-ins. Maggie Moo’s lets you mix in as many excellent toppings as you want, which include nuts, syrups, fruits and all kinds of candy. Once you’ve overcome the agony of having to choose a flavor, you can indulge in a little creative experimentation. This is where it really gets fun.
Oh, no-did I say that choosing your mix-ins is where it gets fun? Sorry, it REALLY gets fun when you get to eat your delicious treat.
Maggie Moo’s ice cream is unrivaled in flavor, texture, richness and variety. It may cost a little more than most places, but I think that the snow outside has taught us that there is a direct correspondence between price and quality.
Snow is free?but it’s pretty crappy ice cream. Maggie’s, however, is well worth your dough.