The U chapter of the Community Food Co-op of Utah, a project sponsored by Crossroads Urban Center, is up and running.
Residents of the Lowell Bennion Service House in Officer’s Circle had their hands full delivering shares of food to members of the co-op on distribution day, March 25.
The co-op makes fresh, healthy and mostly local food available at lower prices. Members buy shares and participate in distributing the food.
“Crossroads (Urban Center) usually focuses on individual people in immediate danger, like the homeless, so it is good to see them working on the big picture,” said Henry Tran, a junior in biochemistry.
The co-op seeks to help low-income families take the strain off grocery bills so they can use their money to secure housing and other expenses.
Anyone willing to buy shares and participate can join. To save money and support the initiative, many U students have gotten involved.
“We’re really excited about the quality of the shares,” said Kirsten Bradley, co-op member and a senior in health education. “The food is great. There’s a lot of produce for the amount of money you’re paying.”
Most of the 12 members of the Service House participate in the co-op, primarily because the project is so service-oriented.
Members of the co-op are strongly encouraged to volunteer at least two hours a month with the organization, but the point is to encourage volunteering.
“The co-op focuses on any service that is community-oriented,” explained Nick Rothacher, a resident of the Service House and a senior in biology and Spanish. “It has been an invaluable experience for us. It also brings the community to the house to see what our volunteering is all about.”
The organization is the first of its kind in Utah and there have been three orders since Jan. 24.
Students interested in becoming members of the co-op should place their orders at least one week before distribution day-the Saturday nearest the 25th of each month. Sign-up sheets can be found in the Bennion Center, Room 101 of the Union, or online at