An interfaith candlelight vigil was held Monday night in the Heritage Center in remembrance of Sept. 11. Students gathered in a darkened room to honor those who died by lighting candles and praying in silence.
The vigil was organized by the Rev. Joel Nau of Lumen Campus Ministry but was not officially sponsored by the group.
“This is a non-denominational, totally interfaith event,” Nau said, “a time and a space set aside to gather in remembrance of 9/11 and the victims of the world conflicts since then.”
Lorraine Evans, a junior in international relations who attended the vigil, was pleasantly surprised by the event.
“I think it shows that, after five years, Americans still remember-they still do care about what happened. I would have expected them to forget,” Evans said. “It’s important to remember that America had to dig a little deeper that day, that we had to be there for each other.”
Dhiraj Chand, a speech communication and gender studies major, said the memory of the event was almost too fresh for him. “I’m still confused. I still don’t know what happened. I can’t grasp it-it’s hard to process.” Chand also said he felt it was too soon to make movies based on the event, as some moviemakers have.

International Studies junior Lorraine Evans takes a moment of silence Monday at the Heritage Center during a candlelight vigil to remember the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.