The U’s Outdoor Recreation Program (ORP) is celebrating 30 years of serving students by hosting a dinner and a sale and giving away trips.
Located by the Heritage Center on upper campus, ORP offers discounted equipment rentals, student-run trips and ‘How To’ workshops for students who want to improve their outdoor skills.
ORP is holding a casual dinner party Friday for workers and volunteers at the Jewish Community Center.
The event is open to all who have worked with the program since its opening in 1976.
Headlining the gathering are two speakers-both of whom have ties to the U. Ted Wilson, former mayor of Salt Lake City and previous director of the Hinckley Institute of Politics on campus, will speak at the event. Conrad Anker, an internationally renowned climber, will also speak.
Rob Jones, a manager of ORP, said “(Anker) used to go to the U and worked at the ORP in the ’80s, and he is now known for being one of the world’s best climbers.”
Any proceeds from the event will go to ORP’s program development fund to benefit the students the program serves.
ORP’s semi-annual used- equipment sale is also coming soon, and will include used equipment ranging from rafts to ski boots. The sale will be at the ORP building Oct. 25 through the 26, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
A list of equipment for sale became available on ORP’s Web site on Wednesday and will also be distributed to ORP’s e-mail list.
Over the past 30 years, the recreation program has provided students with an array of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors.
In November, ORP is sponsoring an “Introduction to Mountaineering and Backpacking” trip that will take place on Mount Pheifferhorn in the Wasatch Range.
Brady Hoffman, a student leader of the trip and sophomore in health education, said, “We’re going to be going over basic backpacking skills, what equipment and food to pack,” he said. “Also, we are going to be practicing basic rope teams and mountaineering skills.”
Other trips scheduled for Fall Semester include “Canyoneering in the desert Southwest” and “Sea Kayaking in Lake Powell,” among others. If interested in renting equipment or joining a trip, visit the ORP Web site at
For reservations to attend the 30th anniversary celebration, call 581-8156.