Writers looking to get published enter into a wild and hostile realm filled with severe artistic challenges–figuring out how to write well, harnessing a poetic voice, moving a story forward–and more mundane concerns such as avoiding starvation and making a decent living. There’s no shortage of advice for the aspiring writer, either, and some of it is available this summer right in our own valley. Westminster College will be hosting workshops and readings designed to help new writers figure out both how to write and how to get published.
Westminster’s offering is the Writers @ Work Conference, an annual gathering of authors, poets, professors, students and members of the publishing industry. The cost of entrance is steep (the evening readings are free)-$350 for four days of panels and group discussions-but the conference is filled with readings by professional authors and Westminster faculty.
There will also be group discussions of submitted work, lectures on topics as diverse as impressing a screener with the first page of your manuscript and making your prose more lyrical, and roundtable meetings with those possessing the keys to power-editors and agents. The conference runs from June 23 to June 27 on Westminster College campus. Register or get more information at www.writersatwork.org.