Silence the conservatives. That is the apparent goal of the liberal movement, the mainstream media, college campuses and recently, the U.S. executive and legislative branches of government. These liberal institutions seek to destroy business and the free market in search of a government-run society dripping with high taxes and massive regulation.
As conservatism is silenced, it will become easier to pass legislation that destroys the institutions of marriage and family, makes the right to an abortion a basic human right, dissolves parental rights and removes tax incentives to donate to churches and non-profits.
If radical liberals are one day successful in silencing the conservatives, they will arrive at their utopia: a genderless society that is run by the state, void of religion, marriage and parents8212;a pleasure-filled culture with no responsibilities and zero accountability.
The good news for America is the conservative movement will not yield and will not be silenced. The problem that most liberals run into is that they depend on emotion, science and reserving the right to call anyone a bigot for their arguments. In contrast, conservatives depend on schools of thought known as “common sense” and “logic” to make their points.
As we all witness, the Democrats in Washington, D.C., seem to have no problem mortgaging our future. President Barack Obama and his BFFs, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, don’t mind passing a bill that no one on Capitol Hill has read and sending the national debt skyrocketing.
Many conservatives offered more reasonable solutions. One group suggested cutting all personal and corporate taxes in half for 12 months. The cost to the federal government would have been about $800 billion, the same amount as the massive stimulus bill. What would happen if we cut personal and corporate taxes in half for a year? Well, for starters, instead of the government spending your money for you, you would actually get to spend it. Second, if corporate taxes were slashed in half, there is no question that jobs would be created and the economy would improve.
The troubled economy has opened the floodgates for various forms of government involvement in business. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner throws around the word “regulate” like Max Hall throws interceptions. Bailouts are for everyone, including people who were dishonest on their mortgage applications and the newspaper industry. Obama’s proposed budget will triple the deficit. If Democrats continue to turn a deaf ear to the conservatives who see the danger in excessive spending and the destruction of the free market, we will become a legitimately bankrupt country owned completely by China.
Conservatism is not dead on the U campus. I am proud to be the chairman of the College Republicans for the 2009-2010 school year. We’ve launched, the official Web site of the U College Republicans. Please visit the site and join our online network so we can communicate and organize with ease.
Now is the time to unite. We live in a time when the size of government is growing at an exponential rate, capitalism is on the brink of extinction and the traditional family is under attack on all fronts. Join us and become a part of the conservative voice that will not be silenced.
Editor’s Note8212;Drew Conrad is the Chairman-elect for the U College Republicans.