In a local coffee shop, I picked up The Daily Chronicle to read over my latte and found Ms. Tanner’s opinion piece, “Smog shouldn’t be a taboo topic,” true to point and delightful to read.
The university community has begun to mobilize around our smog problem. Recently, student Carl Ingwell and others began a group called University Student Clean Air Network http://sustainableutah.wordpress.com/2013/04/02/university-student-clean-air-network. As a clean air policy advocate myself, I hope to work alongside many more students actively engaged in this issue in the near future. I am excited at the prospect of encountering more students participating in rallies and peaceful protest, speaking out during our legislative sessions and organizing their own events aimed toward shaping public policy on air pollution issues. Our jobs and our health depend on it.
Ingrid Griffee,
Utah Moms For Clean Air