Dear Editor,
I am a born and raised Utahan, and a student at the University of Utah majoring in Environmental Sustainability. I am writing this letter to extend a warm thank you on behalf of me and the residents of Utah to President Barrack Obama concerning the Bears Ears National Monument. The decision to designate Bears Ears a national monument sets yet another precedent for the great value of the Antiquities Act of 1906, and provides a clear belief that culture and historical value still has a place in this world.
The decision to make Bears Ears a national monument is a big deal to me, and has been a long time event that I am happy to see come to a close. After two long years of debate and our politician’s inability to come to terms on a solid land bill, I am very pleased with the speed and transparency of his action.
I don’t want the fact that this decision has been overwhelmingly beneficial to Utah to go overlooked. President Obama’s decision to make Bears Ears a national monument has done a great justice for the preservation of not just Utah land, but the preservation of the history and the culture that Bears Ears has to offer, and that, I think, is most precious.
Robert J. Anderson