Greek Life Recruitment Goes In-Person, Sees Increase in Numbers

Photo by Omallca | Wikamedia Commons

By Haley Utendorfer, News Writer


Rush, recruitment for sororities and fraternities, at the University of Utah was moved online for Greek life last fall. However, for fall 2021, the tables turned.

Albeit with masks and social distancing when possible, chapters were allowed to welcome students back to their houses, hosting a variety of get-to-know-you events. Driving down Greek row on bid day, there were decorations, crowds and a general air of excitement. 

For example, Beta Theta Pi hosted basketball and spikeball outside of Lassonde, alongside a barbecue with a house tour. Other events like Sweets with Sororities, which occurred on Aug. 20 at the Union, allowed prospective members to familiarize themselves with the distinctive sororities.

While the school was unable to mandate masks at the time due to state legislation, the chapters made the decision to wear masks on their own during recruitment as the best way to keep their community safe. 

“[They] decided that in their chapter facilities and in their own homes that they, as chapter members and potential members, would require masks to be worn,” said Sierra Skindzelewski, graduate assistant with Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of Utah. “They decided that together that would be the most helpful way to go with our community to ensure everyone’s safety, especially being all together, and they were able to space out as much as they could and they had spaces outside available as well.”

For others such as sophomore Emily Hackett, who joined Kappa Kappa Gamma virtually last fall, seeing the in-person experience was something different. While the majority of activities also had a virtual option to make it accessible to those who were unable to make it to campus, the in-person option offered energy and interaction that was sometimes difficult to recreate through a screen.

“Even with masks on, it was still a great experience getting to talk to so many new people,” Hackett said in a written statement. “My other favorite part was getting to know current members of my chapter. As a sophomore who has already been an official member for a year … It was the first time I had a chance to meet my sorority sisters in person, and it’s been so wonderful getting to know each of them.”

The numbers showed an increase in student interest in participating in Greek life. In terms of potential new members registered for recruitment each year, 2019 had 425, 2020 had 441 and 2021 had 580. 

“It turned out to be really successful because even last year’s recruitment in 2020 had higher numbers than 2019,” Skindzelewski said. “We’re seeing this increase of potential new members that are really interested in joining our community. I think we see that increased level of involvement because they’re coming back and they want to experience what it’s like to be in a sorority on campus, which is really fun and exciting.”

The organizations also host spring recruitment, with information to be announced later.


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