Hibben: Parents’ Opinions Don’t Belong In Public Education
(Graphic by Claire Peterson | The Daily Utah Chronicle)
February 20, 2022
For years, many have advocated for parents to have more control over course content in public schools. From Critical Race Theory to sexual education, many parents have argued that they should have ultimate authority over what their children learn.
In Utah, schools already need parental consent before teaching sexual education, and in 2021, the Utah State Board of Education took steps to ban parts of CRT. However, Sen. John Johnson wants to further protect parents’ “primary authority and responsibility” to their children’s education with Senate Bill 157.
The controversial bill allows parents to pull their children from course content they find “objectionable.” Even more disturbing, it would also give parents the right to sue teachers and school officials to seek monetary damages for the content they disagree with.
Allowing parents to have “ultimate authority” over what students learn is not only a legal disaster but also completely goes against the point of public education. If the Utah State Legislature passes this bill, students will miss out on important content and our legal system will become burdened by overbearing amounts of frivolous lawsuits from parents. Parents who wish to keep their children back from the benefits of a public school may homeschool their children instead.
“Objectionable Content”
While S.B. 157 strictly clarifies the ultimate authority of a parent over their child’s education, it doesn’t explain the definition behind “objectionable content.” This highly personal phrase would allow parents to pull their children from any content they disagree with, such as important historical concepts like the Holocaust or the teachings of evolution.
Children should not have their education interrupted by their parents’ personal or political beliefs. Pulling students from classes will prevent them from having a cohesive and conducive learning environment. They will miss important course content that will build a strong foundation for their future educational endeavors.
For parents who wish to control what their children learn, homeschooling is always an option. Utah is an incredibly friendly state for parents who would prefer this route. A parent only needs to submit an affidavit to their local school district.
Parents Suing Teachers
This bill places parents and teachers in a war with one another. Parents will be able to scrutinize and punish any “objectionable” word, textbook or class activity. On the other side, teachers will have to bow down to the opinions and preferences of parents, many of whom did not study education. Teachers are professionals and should be respected as academics who share their great knowledge and experience with our future generations. They are not targets for parents’ concerns and complaints.
Let’s not forget the painful past of “parental freedom” in our country. The decision in Brown v. Board stood against the racist and often violent opinions of white parents who stood against progress and equality, prioritizing their own beliefs over the greater good. This legislation lays the ground for parents to stand in the way of equal and fair education.
Protections for Speech
In addition, this bill adds an odd and outrageous reach of protection for elected officials. Their freedom of speech “may not be restricted or impaired,” seemingly referring to an incident last year with Natalie Cline. She was reprimanded by the Utah Board of Education after spewing hateful criticism of LGBTQ+ students. This bill would grant immunity for individuals who are supposed to create equitable and factual course content for students. This hypocritical addition to the bill allows for elected officials to say offensive comments, while heavily criticizing teachers for simply teaching state-approved curriculum.
Instead of prioritizing “parental freedom,” we should push for our children to have the right to learn and grow into independent humans, away from their parents’ own political beliefs. Public education should never prevent students from learning about institutional racism, basic lessons in history or even about their own anatomy.
While this bill does address many parents’ concerns about their rights in education, it fails both students and teachers. Parents’ opinions do not belong in fact-based public school content, and allowing them to have “ultimate authority” allows for a biased, opinion-based education system. The Utah State Legislature should stand against this bill, and protect both students and teachers from parents’ assaults on truthful education.
Ian Gerrits • Feb 22, 2022 at 6:36 pm
This isn’t anything about keeping “historical concepts like the Holocaust or the teachings of evolution” out of schools. It is about trying to move on from division and hatred based on physical attributes and keep it out of public education. Also, awfully bold of a college student (who likely does not have any kids) to try telling parents that if they don’t like what is being taught in the public school that they pay for through taxes, then they should just homeschool instead…
Karen Lambert • Feb 22, 2022 at 8:57 am
Your argument seems to be a bit of an overreach. An excellent example of the importance of parents involvement in education is demonstrated by the many, many parents who fight for neurodiverse students to get the best education they can. School districts function best when parents and educators work together — that respect should go both ways. In the places I’ve lived, parents elect school board members who make major educational decisions. In my community, the school board hires the superintendent who leads the district. In a democracy, I think you can argue that parents have not only a right, but an obligation to be informed and provide feedback to their elected school board and I believe the school boards should listen to the parents’ feedback. We do not only believe in only the rule of “experts,” but that every individual can contribute to the conversation — of course parents should also not be bullies and suing teachers they disagree with certainly seems problematic. I live in another state and so am not familiar with the details of this bill, but disagreeing with it should not be an argument for keeping parental voices out of educational decisions.
Matrine • Feb 22, 2022 at 7:55 am
Definitely a poorly educated a manhater puking up the lib talking points
Julie • Feb 22, 2022 at 7:39 am
A very well thought-out and robustly supported article. As a parent with a child in a Utah public school, I absolutely agree with you- facts should take precedence over opinions in education, every time.
John Hedberg • Feb 21, 2022 at 7:26 am
John Hedberg • Feb 21, 2022 at 7:19 am
“..millions of people died..”
This also happened in Ukraine (Soviet Europe), Cambodia, Rwanda, the former Yugoslavia, and Armenia, among many other places, it was used against the Jews in Nazi Germany, and every time this ideology/theology of hatred and perpetual grievance appears, millions of people die, innocent neighbors and family members, because people were taught to choose hatred rather than love.
So, yeah, parents may be a little concerned about what’s turning up in their children’s classrooms, if you can imagine that..! 😃
John Hedberg • Feb 21, 2022 at 6:47 am