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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Quote of the Day

By , , and May 2, 2002
,center>"I found my nich among an ever-changing group of eccentric college journalists."

Looking Back on a Year of Extremes

May 2, 2002
Defining Our Generation SEPT 11, 2001?Apryl Deaver-Hendricks and Dave Teasdale attend a candlelight vigil held for the victims of the terrorist attacks. Multiple professors canceled classes as hundreds of students crowded around television sets throughout the Union, Marriott Library and all over campus on the day of the attack.

New ASUU President Inaugurated

May 2, 2002
Incoming and outgoing student leaders engaged in an evening of praise and adulation for themselves, their colleagues and their secretaries Thursday as new leaders were sworn in. The incoming president and vice president Bill Edwards and Randall Lloyd took over the reigns of student government from departing officers Ben Lowe and Mike Nelson during the inaugural ceremony at Gardner Hall on Thursday.

Chem Professor Inducted Into Science Academy

May 2, 2002
U Chemistry Professor Peter Stang has something in common with Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Sen. Edward Kennedy. Stang, who is also the dean in the College of Science, was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences on April 23. "The AACS was established in 1780 and includes Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

Dance Postponed Due to Lack of Student Interest

May 2, 2002
The end of the year dance scheduled for tonight is postponed. After a week of advertising and free bagels, only eight students had purchased tickets. "We were expecting 20 to 30 people," said Chad Dilley, a member of the Freshman Council of the Associated Students of the University of Utah, the group organizing the dance.

AOCE Office Loses 10.5 Percent From Its Annual Budget

May 2, 2002
While deans and department chairs groan about a campus-wide 4.7 percent budget cut, the Academic Outreach and Continuing Education office has to swallow a 10.5 percent budget reduction. The large budget cut forced Cliff Drew, associate vice president for outreach, to layoff staff, cut programs and analyze nearly every penny that flows through AOCE's office.

Diverse Group Of U Students to Graduate May 10

May 2, 2002
Next week, U students representing 47 countries, 44 U.S. states and 21 Utah counties will graduate during a ceremony at the Huntsman Center on May 10. "As the city, state, nation and world become more heterogeneous, valuing diversity helps us ensure that the U has prepared its students to deal with different ways of knowing, thinking and being," said Karen Dace, associate vice president for diversity.

Two Olympic Athletes Discuss Overcoming Life’s Adversities

May 2, 2002
Olympians often face large obstacles to get to the Games. Two athletes discussed their struggles Thursday in the Union's Saltaire Room. The event, hosted by the Associated Students of the University of Utah's Diversity Board, "The Heart of a Champion," was attended by about 50 people.

Cassell Endorsed, Awaits Senate Approval

May 2, 2002
The Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed U Law Professor Paul Cassell's nomination for a U.S. district judgeship Thursday. "I can give you one bland sentence about how I'm very happy that the Senate Judiciary Committee has approved my nomination and I hope the whole Senate will approve it as well," Cassell told The Chronicle.

U Olympic Office to Submit Final Report

May 2, 2002
Gwen Springmeyer is a little melancholy. For the past five years, Springmeyer was an integral cog in the clockwork of the U's Olympic experience. "I can't think what I used to do before the Olympics," said Springmeyer, the associate director of the U's Office of Olympic Coordination.