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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

One Day In And My Bracket is Already Screwed

March 15, 2002
It's a good thing I took the Anna Nicole Smith route and married some 90-year-old sugar mama? Because if I didn't have the substantial earnings to fall back on, I'd probably really be missing those five bucks I gave away with that abomination of an NCAA Tournament bracket I filled out.

Women Netters Play Rice, TCU

March 15, 2002
A week before playing mainly conference opponents, the U women's tennis team will have to go up against the Rice Owls and Texas Christian. Last weekend the Utes played well, but could not overcome SMU, and lost by a 4-3 margin. The loss had came just after a 5-2 victory over Idaho State.

Rape Alleged at Kappa Sigma Chug-Off

By By U Wire March 15, 2002
EMPORIA, Kan.?The investigation continues in allegations of sexual assault and use of the date-rape drug Rohypnol as well as allegations of alcohol abuse at the recent Kappa Sigma Chug-Off. The office for student affairs is continuing its investigation of the report, though no information can be released at this time, according to Diane Bailiff, vice president for student affairs.

Bryant Becomes U Rehabilition Chief

Dr. Phillip Bryant has been appointed chief of the division of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the U School of Medicine. Bryant's appointment was approved by the Board of Trustees on Monday, and he will assume the post July 1, replacing Dr. John Speed, the current acting chairman of the department.

With Increase, Regents Create Financial Aid

March 15, 2002
ST. GEORGE?As Regents raised tuition Thursday, student leaders smiled. The state Board of Regents tacked an additional 0.5 percent increase onto the previously agreed upon 3 percent first-tier increase, satisfying student leaders from across the state. Student leaders liked the raise in tuition because, for them, the increase translates into a promise made good.

Tibetan Shares Personal Exile Experience

March 15, 2002
Despite high-profile activism by politicians and human rights advocates, "the reality of Tibetian life is quite different than the popular image," according to Tenzin N. Tethong. Such high-profile activism has included rock concerts, mainstream Hollywood movies and congressional appeals.

Calif. Legislature Proposes 10% College Cost Increase

By By U Wire March 15, 2002
LOS ANGELES?The California state Legislature's latest report, in an effort to reform the master plan for higher education, questions California's long-standing low fee policy, suggesting that college costs be raised by 10 percent. Currently the University of California is regarded as one of the best deals in higher education.

Baseball Opens MWC Schedule With UNM

March 15, 2002
Now is the time for the U baseball team to show how much it has improved as a team from last year. The conference season begins, and the Utes will take on the New Mexico Lobos in Albuquerque. Utah has already proven it can play against the best, as it competed well against Arizona and Cal Poly, and have now won 11 of their last 15.

Letter to the Editor: Residency Shenanigans Shameful

Editor: This year, the Utah State Legislature enacted House Bill 331, which will essentially double the time it takes for out of state students to gain in-state residency. In the law school, for instance, this means that those who came here anticipating resident tuition fees next year may end up paying an additional $10,000 to remain.

Some Lessons Better Learned at Home

By , , and March 14, 2002
Consider the books some people want to put in the hands of students at an elementary school near you: "Heather Has Two Mommies" and "Gloria Goes to Gay Pride." The school chancellor of School District 24 in Queens, New York City, already tried to introduce these books?part of the "Children of the Rainbow" curriculum?almost 10 years ago.