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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

U?s service learning enough

December 1, 2009

In response to Tina Parsons' recent column ("Service learning would shape students' perspectives," Nov. 24), I partly agree8212;service is a vital part of responsible civic lives.

Hall?s comments spoil his victory

December 1, 2009

It isn't often you come across a sore winner. In the past, our nation's world of sports has been prided on fair play and good sportsmanship. Now, we seem to be seeing this dissipate at a very disappointing pace.

Holiday shopping slightly up from 2008 statistics

By By , News Editor December 1, 2009

Although local analysts haven't tallied all the numbers for Utah yet, national reports indicate that there has been and will be more money poured into a damaged economy through the upcoming holiday shopping season compared to last year.

Team ?a work in progress? facing home games

By By Liz Frome December 1, 2009

After claiming a win and a loss on the road during the week of Thanksgiving, the Utah women's basketball team has returned home for back-to-back matches early in the week, taking on Weber State tonight and Idaho State tomorrow.

LDS virtues missing in post-game rant

December 1, 2009

I wanted to let all of my friends at BYU know how proud I am of Max Hall. Like Glenn Beck, who is no doubt an example for young Max, BYU's man of the hour exemplifies historic virtues of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of love, kindness, tolerance and softspokenness.

Canadian football offers puzzling yet polite shenanigans

By By , Staff Writer December 1, 2009

I love anomalies in sports. Whether it's Jamaicans on a bobsled, Andrei Kirilenko stumbling up and down EnergySolutions Arena or Americans playing soccer, nothing gets my juices flowing more than athletes playing a game that should be left to the real professionals.

Strange notes turn into vandalism

By By , News Editor December 1, 2009

Someone vandalized the stairwells in the plaza on the east side of the Marriott Library sometime during the weekend.

Silver particles might poison water, clothes

By By , Staff Writer December 1, 2009

Darin Furgeson, professor of pharmaceutical chemistry, in collaboration with Joe Yost, professor of neurobiology and anatomy and Ed Clark, professor and chairman of pediatrics, is studying how nanoparticles affect people and future generations.

U to fight cuts at Legislature

By By , Staff Writer December 1, 2009

With the Legislative session fast approaching, Kim Wirthlin, U vice president of government relations, spoke to students Monday about the vital need to keep further budget cuts to a minimum and emphasized the U's role as an engine of the state economy.

Phillips pulls through for Utes

By By Liz Frome , Staff Writer November 30, 2009

As the minutes ticked off the clock in the Utes' nail-biting 23-26 loss to BYU on Saturday, Utah's offense struggled to put the ball in the end zone.