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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Concert schedule isn’t very grand

April 15, 2009

Instead of sticking with the traditional schedule and structure, the Kerfuffle could be improved by a few small changes. Future organizers should be prepared to shake it up.

Conficker story misleading

April 15, 2009

Your article makes no mention of which operating systems are vulnerable and blatantly misleads your readers. This kind of information gap is unacceptable, particularly when it concerns the security of students' personal property.

Bike program has potential

By By John Hannon April 15, 2009

Leaving a legacy at the institution from which you received your diploma is a great goal to strive for. Hopefully the rental program takes off at the U. Give it a chance.

U offers valuable finance class

April 15, 2009

While I wholeheartedly support Jeffrey Jenkins' proposal regarding a required course in financial literacy at the U ("Financial class should be required," April 15), let's not overlook the courses that already exist on that subject8212;inside and outside the School of Business.

Williams’ privilege blinds her

April 15, 2009

Privilege shields the writer from the reality that not all campus areas are safe, even where diversity is supposedly valued. It engenders her to determine an area's safety, which cannot be her decision, unless she has encountered such threats to her identity.

Salsa lessons for the inexperienced and well-trained

By By Christie Franke, Red Pulse Writer April 15, 2009

One of the most basic needs a human being has is self-expression. For some, this comes through art or music while some just jump up and down when excited. For others though, it's dance that allows them to express their emotions.

Printed impressions and hand-made books

By By Steve Coons, Red Pulse Writer April 15, 2009

On the fourth floor of the Marriott Library, the U book arts program is presenting Lasting Impressions: 25 years of Pyracantha Press, an exhibition running through April 24.

The Pulse

By By Trevor Hale, Red Pulse Editor April 15, 2009

As a musician, the Internet is the best thing that could ever happen to a band. It makes everything so easy that it's ridiculous.

And the record store lives on

April 15, 2009

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The witty style of web-comics

By By Sarah Custen, Red Pulse Writer April 15, 2009

Summer vacation is on the horizon, and that means more time to kill. With that in mind, I present you with Web comics8212;comics published online, offering free and easy access to readers along with plot lines that could only exist in the uncensored, self-published world of the Web. Happy summer reading!