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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Visual Art

‘Objects of Resilience’ Seeks to Exhibit Immigrant and Refugee Experience

February 24, 2017

Words like "immigrant," "refugee," "immigration," etc. are tied to a variety of connotations, not all of them good. The Initiative for Transformative Social Work, a University of Utah student-driven and...

Submissions Requested: The Block Film & Art Festival

February 21, 2017

Filmmakers and artists: listen up! Organizers of Logan's The Block Film & Art Festival are requesting entries. Part of the 6th annual Logan Film Festival, The Block Film & Art Festival is meant...

The U graduate string quartet performs in front of Lionel Walden's "Steelworks, Cardiff, at Night" 1895-97, at Pastures Green & Dark Satanic Mills: The British Passion for Landscape exhibit at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Wednesday, September 2, 2015. Mike Sheehan, Daily Utah Chronicle.

100,000 Attendances at Art Performances–and Counting

February 14, 2017

100,000 tickets. 100,000 students attending. Utah prizes arts, as Daily Utah Chronicle reporter Madge Slack found in a recent article.  Clearly, that extends to the University of Utah as well; according...

Graphic Novels vs. Comic Books: What’s the Difference?

Graphic Novels vs. Comic Books: What’s the Difference?

By Savannah Turk September 19, 2012

When wandering through a bookstore, it is routine for me to stop by the graphic novel section and flip through some of my favorite classics, “Sin City” and “Watchmen,” before skimming the new items....