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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


U Students Take to the Sky

November 4, 2014

While some students keep their feet on the ground, others jump from airplanes at about 3,500 ft. The U’s Skydiving Club was approved in June and is the first skydiving club at a university in the...

Founders Day Scholarship Awards New Beginnings

November 4, 2014

Mohamed was blinded by bandits in his hometown. Shirlee escaped a strict FLDS community. Mohamed Dirshe and Shirlee Draper are the most recent recipients of the Founders Day Scholarship, $8,000 awarded...

Students Help to “Electrify Africa”

November 4, 2014

Students at the U are helping to save six million lives around the world. The U is one of the campuses nationally involved in the ONE Campaign to end extreme poverty worldwide. Volunteers from the U are...

(Photo by Dane Goodwin)

Getting an Early Start on ASUU Elections

November 4, 2014

  ASUU elections aren’t until Spring Semester, but if candidates want to get involved, the time is now. Ali Sadler, senior in political science and ASUU Elections Registrar, held the third information...

Earthquake Drill at the U Will Shake it Off

November 3, 2014

The U will hold an earthquake drill on Wednesday to test the campus alert system. The drill is part of a four-day emergency response exercise on campus from Nov. 3 to 6 called “Vigilant Guard Utah...

Dia de los Muertos: Celebration of Life and Death

November 3, 2014

“I am my father, my mother and all of the family that came before me. I am as alive as they are dead. This is why I honor their legacy,” said Maria Gonzales. Gonzales emigrated from Mexico...

Students Serve as “Catalysts” in Costa Rica

November 3, 2014

The vast 26,000-acre Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica attracts thousands of tourists each year, including a group of students from the U who choose to spend their Spring Break there working on service...

Steering Clear of Evil on Halloween

October 30, 2014

Halloween can be a time of fun for many, but concerns about safety often arise on a night with increased activity in the streets. Salt Lake City Police Department spokesperson Lara Jones said students...

Meet Clem, the Fort Douglas Ghost

October 30, 2014

There may be some ghosts lurking among the long-standing trees and historic buildings of upper campus at the U. Fort Douglas is the one of the oldest army posts in Utah, built in 1862, and is now regarded...

UPC Supplies Frights for the Whole Family

October 30, 2014

Costume-clad children eager to collect candy and prizes filled the Union on Wednesday for UPC’s annual Family Fright Fest. The free event hosted a variety of activities, including a fishing station...