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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


(Photo by Chris Ayers)

Global Health Conference Promotes Sense of Community in Medical Field

By Taylor Almond April 12, 2015

As seats in Rice-Eccles Stadium filled with football fans, research posters and doctors flooded the stadium’s fifth floor for the 2015 Global Health Conference on Extreme Affordability. The conference...

U Debate Society Places Nationally

April 12, 2015

The U’s debate team has officially taken sixth place in the nation after a year full of achievements. The John R. Park Debate Society is ranked second in the Pac-12, behind Oregon. In addition, two...

U’s Department of Physics & Astronomy Encourages Going Dark to See the Night Sky

By Christine Kannapel April 9, 2015

Next week the U’s Department of Physics & Astronomy will go dark. They’re not shutting down or going anywhere — rather, the department is celebrating “International Dark Skies Week” for...

(Photo by Kiffer Creveling)

Daily Utah Chronicle Set to Change for Online Readers

April 9, 2015

If you are reading this article in a printed newspaper, you are a rare individual. While around 900 people pick up The Daily Utah Chronicle each day, more than 3,200 are visiting the paper’s website...

Sexism Lectures Discusses Community Concerns

By Julianne Skrivan April 8, 2015

Domestic violence and feminism are often labeled as taboo topics, but Mimi Kim brought these issues and more to light for students and community members. Kim, an assistant professor of social work at...

(Photo by Chris Ayers)

Administration Announces Tuition Increase for 2015-2016

April 8, 2015

The U officially announced it will be raising tuition this upcoming year. A student seminar was held Wednesday in which Dr. Ruth Watkins, senior vice president of academic affairs, addressed concerns,...

(Photo by Chris Samuels)

Greenwald talks Secrecy and Snowden

By Stefanie Arevalo April 8, 2015

As a part of Secrecy Week, lawyer and journalist Glenn Greenwald, spoke to a full auditorium about the NSA and United States transparency in light of the Edward Snowden leaks. “Secrecy is an epidemic...

(Daily Utah Chronicle archive photo)

Sexism Survives the Decades

April 7, 2015

It’s no weird joke — during the 1940s and ‘50s the U didn’t always boast equality between men and women. Articles and product advertisements found in archives of The Daily Utah Chronicle printed...

(Daily Utah Chronicle archive photo)

Strange Scholarship from the Past No Longer Available Today

April 7, 2015

At the age of four, back in 1951, Sandra Bissignano received a scholarship to study at the U. Bissignano was a participant in a summer program through the Speech and Hearing Center, which focused on...

(Daily Utah Chronicle archive photo)

The U Used to Have a Flashing Problem

April 7, 2015

Flashing used to be a major concern for students at the U. No, seriously. According to a 1983 archived article of The Daily Utah Chronicle, when a female student notified a librarian that she had just...