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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Local News

Meet Clem, the Fort Douglas Ghost

October 30, 2014

There may be some ghosts lurking among the long-standing trees and historic buildings of upper campus at the U. Fort Douglas is the one of the oldest army posts in Utah, built in 1862, and is now regarded...

UPC Supplies Frights for the Whole Family

October 30, 2014

Costume-clad children eager to collect candy and prizes filled the Union on Wednesday for UPC’s annual Family Fright Fest. The free event hosted a variety of activities, including a fishing station...

Former U Building Has Haunted Past

October 30, 2014

Carlson Hall was demolished in 2012 to make room for a new law building, but some say there was a ghost living there before the construction. And she still hasn’t left. The building was first used...

(Photo by Preston Zubal)

Campus Food Pantry: More Than Ramen

October 29, 2014

  The U now has a food pantry on campus where students are welcome to discreetly pick up groceries they need. The pantry is located on the second floor of the Campus Store and is open Tuesdays and...

(Photo by Dane Goodwin)

Students Apathetic About Elections

October 29, 2014

  Elections are right around the corner, but students seem uninterested in voting. Matthew Burbank, a professor in political science, said there seem to be patterns in student voting across the country. “You...

(Photos Courtesy of the United States Congress and the Utah State Senate)

Conversation with the 2nd District Candidates

October 29, 2014

  The Daily Utah Chronicle sat down with the candidates for Utah’s 2nd Congressional District, which includes the U and some of the surrounding areas. The election on Nov. 4 is between incumbent...

(Photos Courtesy of the Doug Owens Campaign and Wikipedia)

Doug Owens vs. Mia Love

October 29, 2014

  Republican Mia Love and Democrat Doug Owens are vying for the open 4th congressional district. Many issues divide the two candidates, but student loans have forged a valley. In the only televised...

(Photo Courtesy of Lbrcomm)

Reyes Leads Attorney General Race

October 29, 2014

  This year’s midterm election race for Utah’s Attorney General is between Republican candidate Sean Reyes and Democratic candidate Charles Stormont, with Reyes taking the lead in polls. Reyes...

Driver Takes Wrong Turn onto Legacy Bridge

October 29, 2014

A male driver gave new meaning to “off the beaten path” on Wednesday. The 76-year-old man took a wrong turn onto Legacy Bridge near 1:30 p.m., lodging his car on the staircase. Sgt. Garth Smith...

U Remembers the Holocaust

October 27, 2014

The U is commemorating the Holocaust this week. The memorial events, originally called “The Days of Remembrance,” began 20 years ago and are led by Ron Smeltzer, a U professor. This year the...