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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Student Life

Graduating Seniors Experience Whirlwind Of Emotion At Campus Store Grad Fair

Graduating Seniors Experience Whirlwind Of Emotion At Campus Store Grad Fair

April 7, 2016

The Campus Store took on an unusual air of excitement this weekend, as seniors gathered on the second floor to collect what they need for commencement. Vreni Romang, graduating in communication, summed...

Anderson, a guide puppy in training, keeps a tight grip on his cow chew toy while playing with a law student. Wednesday, March 30, 2016.

Guide Dogs In-Training Visit Law School to Help Alleviate Student Stress

April 4, 2016

The verdict’s in: Puppies are great. Law students and guide dogs in-training were sprawled across the floor of the S.J. Quinney College of Law, playing and cuddling in an effort to help the dogs socialize...

The ASUU offices in the Student Involvement wing of the Student Union.

Conflict in ASUU: Senate Grills New Advisor Over Perceived Threat To Independence

March 10, 2016

Members of ASUU fear a new advisor position, instituted by U administration to overlook student government, threatens their authority and independence. Their concerns over the post, filled by Tasha Myers,...

Meet the New ASUU: SLC Sweeps Assembly, ONE Takes Senate Majority

March 9, 2016

The Students Leading Change (SLC) party, led by President Jack Bender, narrowly won the student government election last week, garnering about 58  percent of the votes; it controls the Assembly, though,...

Students Leading Change (SLC) Win ASUU Elections

Students Leading Change (SLC) Win ASUU Elections

March 4, 2016

Sighs and cheers were heard throughout the Union Ballroom as the winner of the ASUU elections, Students Leading Change (SLC), was announced. Jack Bender, president elect, Jessica Patterson, vice president...

Two U students pose at the Block U during the True to U event at the U in Salt Lake City on Thursday, Feb.11th, 2016. (Rishi Deka, Daily Utah Chronicle)

ASUU Kicks Off New “True to U” Tradition

February 16, 2016

Students took the opportunity to indulge in candy, cookies and kisses at ASUU’s True to U event. Just before Valentine’s Day, students were invited to take a photo kissing or showing their school...

Board of Trustees Offered Sneak Peek at ASUU Platforms

Board of Trustees Offered Sneak Peek at ASUU Platforms

February 11, 2016

Although ASUU elections don't start until Saturday, candidates from both parties spoke to the U's Board of Trustees early Tuesday morning to give brief outlines of their campaign platforms. Student Leading...

International students at the U | Chronicle archives.

International Students Find Joy in Serving While Away From Home

February 8, 2016

After being in the United States for about four months, Tayyeb Mubarik attended a volunteer event to wrap gifts for Syrian refugee children. He enjoyed the feeling of giving back so much so that he started...

Anthony Fratto speaks about the Indigenous Peoples' Day Resolution during the ASUU Senate Meeting  at the U on Thursday, Jan. 28th, 2016. (Rishi Deka, Daily Utah Chronicle)

ASUU Senate Passes Bill to Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day

January 30, 2016

Halfway through the meeting, Sen. Andy Moyle pulled out his copy of A People’s History of the United States and thumbed to an underlined section on page five. “By the year 1515, there were perhaps...

Presidents circle at the University of Utah Monday September 14, 2015. (Chronicle Archives)

Rock the U Seeks to Change Lives With Cancer Fundraiser

January 25, 2016

At the U's 10th annual Rock the U event, students won't just be dancing for fun — they'll be raising money for cancer research. Each Spring Semester, U students and organizations team up to "celebrate...