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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Mind over matter, prescribed drugs cause more harm than good

Mind over matter, prescribed drugs cause more harm than good

By Brook Williams July 5, 2017

Pharmaceutical drugs are a phenomenon that never ceases to amaze America with their increasingly fast development. The medical industry is constantly coming up with new drugs to prevent things such as...

Every Young Person Should Work A Customer Service Job

By Alisa Patience July 1, 2017

Every job I've had so far has been customer service related, from my first job as a Sales Associate at Rue 21, to my current job working at Panda Express. I've had six jobs in three years, and from each...

Erik Wayne Hughes, 51, who was arrested in June on allegations of abusing young boys while serving as an bishop for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

When Privilege Protects Atrocity

By Connor Richards June 29, 2017

Erik Hughes, a former bishop for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was recently arrested by Mapleton police on June 21 on allegations of sexually abusing two young boys while serving as...

Photo Courtesy of Chronicle archives.

Applying for Residency and its Hidden Rules

By Broderick Sterrett June 26, 2017

Today I’m getting a gym membership, and no it’s not because I am getting over my “summer bod” issues. Believe it or not, this is because I want residency tuition rates. As an out-of-state student,...

We Need Gun Control

We Need Gun Control

By Zach Carlson June 23, 2017

In the United States, we have roughly one gun for every man, woman and child. That’s over 300 million guns. That’s more guns than some countries have citizens. According to an article published by...

Freedom of Speech Should Extend to Tobacco Advertisements

Freedom of Speech Should Extend to Tobacco Advertisements

By Zach Carlson June 23, 2017

The Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act was passed in 1970, and because of it tobacco companies have not been able to advertise on radio or television since 1971. On the surface level, it makes sense that...

Thousands of people came to support Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders at his rally at This is the Place Monument in Salt Lake City, Friday, March 18, 2016 | Chronicle archives.

Social Media Causes Distrust in Politicians

By Brook Williams June 22, 2017

Ever since this past election, it seems as though millennials and Generation Z have had a new found voice and entitlement in sharing their views on politics. Men and women born in the ‘90s and after...

The UK’s Hung Parliament is not Brexit’s Fault, but the Conservative Party’s Manifesto

The UK’s Hung Parliament is not Brexit’s Fault, but the Conservative Party’s Manifesto

By Gavin Swanson, Opinion Writer June 19, 2017

We’re all probably aware of the great disaster that took place last week with Theresa May and her Conservative party calling for an election to bolster their majority through riding the Brexit wave,...

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Consumerist Culture and the Rise of Fidget Spinners

By Nicholas Coleman June 19, 2017

This is the first installment of a two-part series that focuses on American consumerism, and the emergence of viral trends that have come to define Generation Y and Z. American consumerism is an odd...

H2H - Pride, Inclusivity, and Intersectionality

H2H – Pride, Inclusivity, and Intersectionality

By Emma Tanner June 15, 2017

The Heart of Pride is All-Inclusive Emma Tanner The gay rights campaign, specifically gay marriage, has been one of the fastest moving, most successful human rights movements to date. Over the course...