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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Some service should be compensated

April 6, 2009

I would like to provide an alternative perspective to the opinions espoused by Liz Carlston ("Incentives to give service defeats the purpose," April 6). Her views are shared by a fair few, including some members of Congress. These views are, however, a reflection of a clear misunderstanding of the term "service" and its role in society, particularly in America.

A few bad vandals spoil dorm life for everyone

By By John Hannon April 6, 2009

Unless you want to endure the seemingly endless barrage of juvenile hijinks (my God, these kids are making me use square words from rock-and-roll-hating adults in the '50s) in what essentially amounts to a junior high stay-over summer camp, avoid the U's residence halls.

Green River should be used for renewable energy

April 5, 2009

Instead of incurring expenses in this economic recession, the Green River can be used as a major hub for the manufacturing and distribution of components of renewable energy. These embrace electricity generators like wind, solar and geothermal sources.

Supporting the president?s budget will improve education

By By Arne Duncan April 5, 2009

President Barack Obama has challenged all Americans to overcome the stale debates that have paralyzed progress on education so that we can offer every child, everywhere in the country, the chance to outcompete any worker, anywhere in the world. That is a central mission of the budget that Obama is submitting to Congress.

Activism should be constructive

By By Aaron Zundel April 5, 2009

History has taught us that there is room for radical activism8212;so long as it is properly focused. And U students who pride themselves on their activism would do well to learn the difference between the right and wrong way to demonstrate their newfound (yet often misguided and overly simplistic) anger.

Medical school should reveal financial ties

By By Sabriel Harris April 2, 2009

Biased research and withheld information can drastically interfere with the medical world, and might eventually alter treatments and diagnosis methods8212;possibly putting patients' lives at risk. We cannot afford to allow this travesty.

City should leave cab industry alone

By By Liz Carlston April 2, 2009

It is entirely appropriate for the City Council to be involved in measures that ensure public safety and well-being, but definitely not in dictating what the cab industry is allowed to supply the market.

Soldier comes back again from Middle East

By By Douglas L. York April 1, 2009

Among my peers and me, though I will depart from them and from the service in the next 90 days, the memories of what we accomplished and the growth we made as individuals because of each other will never be forgotten.

Utah can’t afford to export water

By By John Stafford April 1, 2009

I'm not going to forecast a Malthusian doomsday, but Western states need to start taking a serious look into how many people can be supported by our fragile ecosystems. Sustainability is the solution, and if that takes some form of population control, so be it because the West is already thirsty.

When will Dean Newman stop?

April 1, 2009

When will the dean's farcical campaign end, and these two professors be restored to the Middle East Center where they belong?