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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Parkin: Rude Drivers Make Utah Winters More Dangerous

Parkin: Rude Drivers Make Utah Winters More Dangerous

By Natalie Parkin December 4, 2017

The state of Utah is commonly known for two things: the best snow and the worst drivers. When it comes to driving in the winter time, these two statements can be a deadly combination for those with a driver's...

Foglesong: What You Can Learn From Alaska

Foglesong: What You Can Learn From Alaska

By Samuel Foglesong December 4, 2017

Alaska has always been a place that captures the imagination of the intrepid, the untouched wilderness of the great north has inspired some of the greatest art and adventures in human history. My two years...

Barron: In Support of Charlie Brown Christmas Trees

Barron: In Support of Charlie Brown Christmas Trees

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer December 4, 2017

In 1965, the classic Christmas cartoon, "A Charlie Brown Christmas," coined the phrase ‘a Charlie Brown Christmas tree,’ describing the short and spindly evergreen Charlie Brown picks from the tree...

Patience: Drop This Semester Like A Bad Habit

Patience: Drop This Semester Like A Bad Habit

By Alisa Patience December 4, 2017

Another semester has come and gone, bringing us that much closer to graduating. But in the spirit of the new year, we can all stand to let go of some habits that made the semester just a little bit harder,...

Braden: Millennials Make Old Jobs New

Braden: Millennials Make Old Jobs New

By Paul Braden December 1, 2017

Whether it’s the result of lower earnings for recent college grads, a desire to disassociate from impersonal aspects of the digital age or a rejection of the lifestyle the boomers forced upon us, one...

Swanson: It’s Up to Us to Prevent Trump’s FCC from Taking Away Our Net Neutrality

Swanson: It’s Up to Us to Prevent Trump’s FCC from Taking Away Our Net Neutrality

By Gavin Swanson, Opinion Writer December 1, 2017

If you use the internet moderately frequently you’ve probably already heard of the net neutrality craze that has consumed websites worldwide. The users of major websites like Twitter and Reddit have...

Barber: I Should Have Studied Art

Barber: I Should Have Studied Art

By Shaelyn Barber December 1, 2017

There’s something about journalism that brings a thrill. Educating the public, uncovering important truths, traveling, the possibility of danger and more add to the appeal and adrenaline I feel when...

Parkin: 12 Days of College Finals

Parkin: 12 Days of College Finals

By Natalie Parkin December 1, 2017

 After Thanksgiving, the stress of college finals tends to turn students into a mob of grumpy Christmas carolers. We get stuck twiddling our thumbs and pencils waiting for the relief that comes...

Barron: Second Notice: Reverse Climate Change or Find a New Home

Barron: Second Notice: Reverse Climate Change or Find a New Home

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer November 30, 2017

“We the... senior members of the world’s scientific community, hereby warn all humanity of what lies ahead. A great change in our stewardship of the earth and the life on it, is required, if vast human...

Williams: Should Your Social Media Posts Be Grounds for Termination

Williams: Should Your Social Media Posts Be Grounds for Termination

By Brook Williams November 30, 2017

Have you ever scrolled through your Facebook feed and stumbled across one of your friend's posts containing extremely vulgar language or profane pictures? Whether it be sexually explicit pictures of themselves...