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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Barron: Justice Is Not Blind

Barron: Justice Is Not Blind

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer September 18, 2017

Lady Justice is the idolization of an ideal passionately held by humans. Justice may vary slightly in meaning for specific individuals, but a constant definition includes equal treatment when seeking reparations...

Professor Richard Dorsky, from the department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, shows the inside of a research laboratory where he isolates various genes of zebrafish to look at the behavioral effects in the comparative medicine building on campus on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017

(Photo by Kiffer Creveling | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

U Researchers Link Gene to Anxiety Level

By Jacqueline Mumford, Managing Editor September 18, 2017

Genes may be a factor dictating levels of anxiety, according to a study on the brains of mice and zebrafish conducted by researchers at the University of Utah. Yuanyuan Xie, who previously attended...

Barron: Donate Locally, Understand Where it Goes

Barron: Donate Locally, Understand Where it Goes

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer September 17, 2017

A chipped painting of a white field and a bold red cross on cinder block in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, is the legacy of foreign aid after the 2010 earthquake. The same iconography is also visible in my own...

Patience: The Real Horror of Violent Media

Patience: The Real Horror of Violent Media

By Alisa Patience September 17, 2017

Many have a not-so-guilty pleasure of watching or playing certain television shows, movies or video games that have reputations for being violent or overtly sexual. Mine is Game of Thrones. Yours might...

Barron: Separation Serves Scouts

Barron: Separation Serves Scouts

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer September 15, 2017

I laughed when I read a statement by Boy Scouts spokeswoman Effie Delimarkos in which she confirmed the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) are currently “exploring the benefits of bringing Scouting to every...

Swanson: Why Video Games Will Be the Next Great Art Form

Swanson: Why Video Games Will Be the Next Great Art Form

By Gavin Swanson, Opinion Writer September 14, 2017

To some of us it may be obvious, and to others it may seem ludicrous, but video games are rapidly climbing the ladder to become one of the next great art forms. As paintings, photographs, music and films...

Equality in the Workplace

Equality in the Workplace

By Alisa Patience September 14, 2017

Have you ever walked out of a job interview thinking it went perfectly and that you’re completely qualified, only to end up not getting the job? Well if you’re not white, a female or a parent, then...

Groesbeck: Mother! Is A Frustrating Masterpiece

Groesbeck: Mother! Is A Frustrating Masterpiece

By Ren Groesbeck September 13, 2017

SPOILER ALERT: The recent film most people have not seen or the majority despise — Mother! — was a perfectly composed, pure allegory of many significant themes, particularly religion. It is a difficult...

Groesbeck: Salt Lake City Criminalizes The Homeless

Groesbeck: Salt Lake City Criminalizes The Homeless

By Ren Groesbeck September 13, 2017

The city seems to have good intentions in the new long-term plan to deal with the issue of homelessness. The three-phase plan has important ideals in regards to treating people for addiction and managing...

Photo Courtesy of Chronicle archives.

Richards: Utah Schools Need to Stand Up For Students

By Connor Richards September 12, 2017

Students are the latest victims of a string of right-wing policies laid out by President Donald Trump's administration — an administration that seems intent on targeting only the most innocent populations....