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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Groesbeck: Response to Christopher Mead's Letter to the Editor "U Deserve a Better Welcome"

Groesbeck: Response to Christopher Mead’s Letter to the Editor “U Deserve a Better Welcome”

By Ren Groesbeck August 29, 2017

There were Jesus landmines all over campus distastefully shoving “FIND JESUS” into our digestive systems on the first days of fall semester and some pretentious cyclist was mad enough to write about...

Williams: We Should Decriminalize All Drugs in the U.S.

Williams: We Should Decriminalize All Drugs in the U.S.

By Brook Williams August 29, 2017

Many people are highly supportive of legalizing marijuana. It is a topic highly stressed on college campuses, and if all teachers and professors aren’t for the legalization by now, it shouldn't take...

Williams: Another Eye-Roll for Trump's "Efforts" In Houston

Williams: Another Eye-Roll for Trump’s “Efforts” In Houston

By Brook Williams August 28, 2017

Trump's most notorious habit when anything significant happens in the U.S. is to run to his iPhone, jump on his plush white bed and immediately formulate an assortment of poorly constructed tweets. Well,...

Williams: “To the Bone” Tells Truth of Anorexic Lifestyle

By Brook Williams August 27, 2017

The Netflix movie “To the Bone” reveals the realities behind eating disorders. Its light hearted attitude, dark humor and idiosyncratic characters make this film unique. Some say it’s brutally honest....

Mother of Dragons, Rightful Queen of Westeros

Mother of Dragons, Rightful Queen of Westeros

By Alisa Patience August 26, 2017

"Game of Thrones" is coming to an end. As the series has progressed, fan-favorite Daenerys Targaryen has developed a reputation among fans as  the "Mad Queen" and a terrorist. She's becoming more and...

The crowd claps during the Solidarity Rally against racism at Washington Square Park in Salt Lake City, Utah on Monday, Aug. 14, 2017. (Rishi Deka | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Keep White Nationalism Out of the U

By Connor Richards August 25, 2017

An editorial from the opinion desk. They didn’t even wear cloaks. No masks, no capes, no concealment of identity. Although they hold the same torches and share the same degenerate, primitive ideology...

An Open Letter to Senator Mike Lee

An Open Letter to Senator Mike Lee

By Autumn Barney August 24, 2017

Dear Senator Lee, This past May I had the opportunity to do the Washington Encounter through the Hinckley Institute at the University of Utah. We had the honor of meeting some amazing people and seeing...

Sterrett: Students' Grades Should Be Determined by Performance, Not Attendance

Sterrett: Students’ Grades Should Be Determined by Performance, Not Attendance

By Broderick Sterrett August 24, 2017

Course syllabi lay out the specifics of the class: quizzes, required readings, supplemental materials, etc. Failing to understand the syllabus is very much equivalent to failing the course. Yet there is...

Williams: Walmart, the Selfish Giant

Williams: Walmart, the Selfish Giant

By Brook Williams August 24, 2017

Walmarts around the world are known for their low prices and great deals. They make up one of America's emblems, and not one we are necessarily proud of. Among all of the benefits of shopping at Walmart,...

Parkin: Iceland’s Abortion Rates for Down Syndrome Show Lack of Compassion

Parkin: Iceland’s Abortion Rates for Down Syndrome Show Lack of Compassion

By Natalie Parkin August 21, 2017

Prenatal screening tests are rising across the countries of Europe and America and, as a result, fewer babies with Down syndrome are being born. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects a child's...