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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Head to Head: Rise Of Artificial Intelligence Could Limit Human Thinking

Head to Head: Rise Of Artificial Intelligence Could Limit Human Thinking

April 18, 2016

Should we be worried about the future of artificial intelligence? Obviously computer intelligence has many beneficial uses, and I’m grateful for those. But our reliance on these machines is troubling....

The World Can't Afford The Economic Impacts Of Climate Change

The World Can’t Afford The Economic Impacts Of Climate Change

April 18, 2016

Our changing climate doesn’t care about free markets, unfettered capitalism or whether or not you’re a registered Republican or Democrat. While implementing an effective climate reduction policy is...

An Open Letter to Those Who Write Open Letters

An Open Letter to Those Who Write Open Letters

April 18, 2016

Ladies and gentlemen, I applaud you. Who better than you, the vibrant youth of a generation, to promote the voice of young America? My friends, you make a world of difference. You somehow know exactly...

0704-01 GCS April 2007

BYU General Campus Scenics

View from JFSB Patio, Bell Tower and Provo Temple, Spring

April 6, 2007

Photo by Jaren Wilkey/BYU

Copyright BYU Photo 2007
All Rights Reserved  (801)422-7322

BYU’s Honor Code-Related Protocol Prevents Rape Victims From Speaking Up

April 18, 2016

Sometimes, the last thing any victim of sexual abuse wants to do is to take the plunge and make their abuse public, especially if they are a student. Anyone will almost certainly be less interested in...

Hacktivist Group Anonymous - The Hero We Need, Or The Hero We Deserve?

Hacktivist Group Anonymous – The Hero We Need, Or The Hero We Deserve?

April 15, 2016

Recently a class instructor of mine posted a discussion on vigilante justice and the rise of Anonymous, an ungoverned and un-led worldwide group of “hacktivists” that combat overly-intrusive governments,...

Rise Of "Virtual Boyfriend" Industry Makes It Difficult To Form Real Relationships

Rise Of “Virtual Boyfriend” Industry Makes It Difficult To Form Real Relationships

April 14, 2016

There’s a mixed response when it comes to whether or not technology drives modern romance in our day and age. On one hand, apps like Tinder and websites like can connect individuals who would...

Energy Drinks: Okay in Moderation, but Students Should be Wary of Forming a Habit

Energy Drinks: Okay in Moderation, but Students Should be Wary of Forming a Habit

April 14, 2016

I have a confession: I am drinking an energy drink right now. It is not my first one of the day. Busted — I know. Caffeine and I go way back. Red Bull was as much a part of my college experience as...

What We Can Learn From Rape Accusations At Yale

What We Can Learn From Rape Accusations At Yale

April 12, 2016

All across the country, sexual assault awareness has increasingly made its way to the forefront of college campus campaigns, social media movements and platforms for student councils and club mission statements....

Disposable Culture Is Throwing Away Our Future

Disposable Culture Is Throwing Away Our Future

April 11, 2016

We live in a society of convenience. It's easier to throw away paper plates than to do the dishes. Buying fast food is much easier than growing food. Society is so fast-paced that we constantly make shortcuts...

Social Media Popularity Shouldn't Be A Professional Qualification

Social Media Popularity Shouldn’t Be A Professional Qualification

April 11, 2016

Social media — the core of modern social interaction, judgment, social perception and entertainment. It’s where we make snap judgments about who’s making something of themselves when, in reality,...