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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Language Preservation Needs To Be A World Priority

Language Preservation Needs To Be A World Priority

April 11, 2016

There is no disputing the importance of language in our day-to-day life. Language not only serves as a marker for who we are as individuals and larger communities, but also as a major influencer of real...

Lack Of Funds Should Not Stop People From Traveling The World

Lack Of Funds Should Not Stop People From Traveling The World

April 11, 2016

We face some of our biggest trials in times of transition. For all seniors graduating this spring, this means answering the inevitable question: what’s next? Some plan to attend grad school right away,...

Quantity Does Not Equal Quality: The Social Problem Of Photography

Quantity Does Not Equal Quality: The Social Problem Of Photography

April 8, 2016

The prevalence of images predates this article by close to 200 years. Indeed, some of the brightest, most critical minds have written in detail on the photo-phenomenon borne from the camera’s inception....

"Wicked" Creator's Ban On North Carolina Productions Could Affect Discriminatory Bill

“Wicked” Creator’s Ban On North Carolina Productions Could Affect Discriminatory Bill

April 8, 2016

As the curtain rose on the set of “Wicked” in the summer of 2009, I had no idea what to expect. My 14-year-old self sat eagerly awaiting the mysterious magic about to unfold, bouncing on the edge of...

Ute golfer Nathan Wunderli

Golf: Not Just For Rich Old White Men

April 7, 2016

Golf gets a bad reputation in this day and age. The major complaint hurled at the sport is that it’s “the game of old, rich white men.” Many see golf as a game that’s too boring to watch and too...

Students Need To Live In The Now To Carve Serenity Out Of College Chaos

Students Need To Live In The Now To Carve Serenity Out Of College Chaos

April 7, 2016

Trees are blooming. I heard more than one bird outside the Marriott Library the other day. People go out in shorts and T-shirts more and more often. Spring Break has come and gone. About this time every...

Even Without Super Delegates, Sanders Would Be Trailing Clinton

Even Without Super Delegates, Sanders Would Be Trailing Clinton

April 5, 2016

To get the nomination for the Democratic party, a candidate needs to obtain at least 2,382 delegates. Currently, a total of 4,753 delegates is available. Seven hundred and twelve of those are "super delegates,"...

Guantanamo Bay Should Be Turned Into An Ecological Center

Guantanamo Bay Should Be Turned Into An Ecological Center

April 4, 2016

Under the Warsaw Pact, Cuba sent rum and sugar to fellow communist countries in exchange for food, oil, machinery and petrochemicals (like pesticides and fertilizers). But when the Iron Curtain fell, assistance...

CIA Should Give Up Ineffective, Immoral Practices

CIA Should Give Up Ineffective, Immoral Practices

April 4, 2016

As American citizens, we typically look to our security or intelligence agencies to protect and serve us. Many of us trust these bureaus and blindly give our allegiance to them because in return, we get...