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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Women Need Access to Over-the-Counter Contraception to Improve Health, Save Money

Women Need Access to Over-the-Counter Contraception to Improve Health, Save Money

December 3, 2015

Planned Parenthood is no stranger to terrorist attacks — the organization has endured “more than 300 acts of extreme violence, including arson, bombings, murders and butyric acid attacks,” according...

Contraceptives Should Be Affordable, Accessible to Women

Contraceptives Should Be Affordable, Accessible to Women

December 3, 2015

For many women in the United States, acquiring birth control or other contraceptives is no easy task. All females, regardless of age or experience with birth control, must go through a doctor to obtain...

Political Cartoon: Trump

Political Cartoon: Trump

By Rory Penman December 3, 2015

Making Colleges Free Nationwide Would Boost the U.S. Economy

Making Colleges Free Nationwide Would Boost the U.S. Economy

December 2, 2015

In today's economy, a bachelor's degree is an integral part of being successful and earning money. Most well-paying jobs require a degree, and as a result, people who don't have a college degree are restricted...

U.S. Needs to Stand Up Against ISIS' Narrative by Welcoming Refugees

U.S. Needs to Stand Up Against ISIS’ Narrative by Welcoming Refugees

December 1, 2015

Despite the recent terrorist attacks, the citizens of Paris are going on with their everyday lives, walking outside and eating at cafés and restaurants that the attackers sought to drive them away from....

Scouting Programs Perpetuate Socially Constructed Gender Roles

Scouting Programs Perpetuate Socially Constructed Gender Roles

November 30, 2015

Five girls from Northern California have challenged the Victorian ideals of the Boy Scouts of America and asked for acceptance into the organization. The Unicorns, a name the group of girls have given...

Americans Need to Accept Refugees, Because it is the Right Thing to Do

Americans Need to Accept Refugees, Because it is the Right Thing to Do

November 30, 2015

It would be inappropriate, in this article, for me to invoke the “foundational tenets” of the United States. I can’t say with any certainty that this country is founded on the basis of freedom, equality...

History Teaches How to Unite In the Face of a Common Enemy: Climate Change

History Teaches How to Unite In the Face of a Common Enemy: Climate Change

November 30, 2015

Five hundred and eighty-five BC marks the sixth year of a vengeful war waged between the Medians and the Lydians in Anatolia — modern-day Turkey. The conflict was catalyzed by a cruel culinary prank...

U Grads Produce New App “Limnu,” Made for Digital Collaboration in the Workplace

November 30, 2015

From Google Docs to Slack, we find ourselves in the midst of a transformative era in communication. The days of phone calls and email are gradually giving way to chat rooms and video calls. Programs once...