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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Sally Yoo

MUSS headdresses offensive, ignorant

January 6, 2014

That’s offensive,” shouted an unknown voice from the crowd. “You’re offensive!” spit back the mouth underneath the bobbing homemade headdress. It’s been a popular trend this past season in...

What modern journalists can learn from ‘Downton Abbey’

January 5, 2014

As I’m sitting here in my tiny office, squirreled away in an old computer lab in the Union,  my family is gathering for one of the most sacred American rituals of all time: watching television together....

Luigi Ghersi

Body cams provide insight on law enforcement

January 5, 2014

Police body cameras offer great possibilities for a shift in relations between the police force and the public that they are employed to serve (nominally). In California, Rialto City police have claimed...

Lindsay Schuring

Keep your new year resolutions realistic to follow through

January 5, 2014

New Year’s Eve, a night of celebration and extravagance filled with glitter, fireworks, parties, dresses and friends. It’s a night celebrated all over the world, each city showcasing their own luxurious...

Utah should stop talking about religion

December 12, 2013

Utahns seem to have taken advantage of the First Amendment — or perhaps they’ve simply misconceived its prime intent. It seems that everywhere you go, religion is ubiquitous. Most people in Utah have...

Americans should boycott Black Friday

December 11, 2013

This year, I boycotted Black Friday, and I implore you next year to follow suit. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu once said, “civility costs nothing, and buys everything.” Challenging this maxim, however,...

Writing essays is better than typing them

December 10, 2013

The end of the semester is here, which means it is crunch time for many of us. That means writing essays a day or two before they are due. If you want to make your final papers better, then you can’t...

Sen. Lee needs to change agenda

December 10, 2013

Following the government shutdown over the budget and funding of the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, our Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) has taken what seems to be a big hit in his standing,...

U.S. should spend money on food, not weapons

December 9, 2013

Between World War I and II, hundreds of thousands of middle and lower class German civilians died of starvation. Adolf Hitler was rabidly seeking world power by dispatching military invasions and occupations...

Nerdiness should be accepted

December 9, 2013

What’s an unexpectedly controversial word? “Nerd.” Once upon a time, it was a clear-cut insult. Yet in recent years, it has become an endearing and complimentary term. It’s a desirable label —...