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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Sen. Mike Lee displays childish attitude

August 28, 2013

Children are prone to throwing tantrums when their will is subverted by figures in authority. Most children grow out of this phase once tough life lessons teach them about the idea of compromise. Some...

Victoria Falls should not be defiled by theme parks

August 28, 2013

Most children, hearing their parents utter the magic words “We’re going to Disneyland!” immediately imagine the dry heat of California. But the soaring waterfalls of Zimbabwe? Not so much.  This...

Rising education costs require solutions, not more problems

August 28, 2013

In the years following a recession, Americans often find themselves in more frugal situations. Consumer spending is only now beginning to reach its former level. Though no longer reported in our everyday...

‘Emergency powers’ give too much control to government

August 27, 2013

Chelsea Manning had no shortage of supporters after receiving a 35-year prison sentence for violating the controversial Espionage Act. While it is doubtful that many of the people fighting for her pardon...

Rejection of bike ban deserves applause

August 27, 2013

If you’ve been following university news over the summer, you probably heard of the proposed ban on recreational biking and skating on campus. Specifically, the policy would have declared that “any...

Air pollution means Utah should stop dodging EPA

August 27, 2013

Residents of Salt Lake City can frequently see a thick layer of gray smog covering the valley, and all Utahns have seen the familiar signs on the freeway warning drivers of poor air conditions. Clearly,...

Vaccinations should be a requirement

August 26, 2013

If someone at the U were to come down with a case of smallpox, imagine the chaos that would ensue. It would spread incredibly rapidly. Classes would be canceled and the dorms would be evacuated. It would...

Environmental sustainability geared for resilience, evolution

August 26, 2013

Sustainability shapes our lives, and as a concept that has shown its ability to evolve over time, we are all more or less involved in its realization. The concept of sustainable development emerged in...

Ending compulsory ed not the solution

August 26, 2013

State Sen. Aaron Osmond’s disdain for an educated public shines through in his recent essay “A Practical Argument for Ending Compulsory Education in Utah.” With Americans coming to the stark realization...

House GOP needs alternative to ACA

August 25, 2013

Perhaps the single most unifying platform of the Republican Party — the rallying cry that is holding the otherwise fractured and floundering party together — a universal disdain for the Patient Protection...