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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Indie films deserve more attention

April 16, 2013

Independent films have become a way for artists to express unconventional or unorthodox views and let audiences gain influence and perspective from independent filmmakers. One can say that such filmmakers...

US should not focus on immigration

April 16, 2013

The Salt Lake Tribune ran a story April 4 detailing the plight of Brenda Guzman, an undocumented immigrant and 22-year-old mother of five who’s in danger of being deported. In drawing attention to Guzman’s...

Letter to the Editor:

April 15, 2013

Editor: Thank you, Rose, for this article! I was wondering when someone was going to finally write about this website. When I first visited I was hopeful, thinking the church was finally...

Letter to the Editor: Columnist’s stance on LDS website prejudiced

April 15, 2013

Editor: I found Rose Jones’ comments regarding the LDS stance on LGBT matters more biased, bigoted and ignorant than anything the LDS church has ever said. The LDS church does not discriminate against...

U.S. should support cross-country trains

April 15, 2013

With fluctuating gas prices, environmental concerns and merging airlines, citizens should be encouraging the government to take cross-country, high-speed trains more seriously. Congress has refused additional...

New parking lot will curb sustainability

April 15, 2013

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who value parking lots and those who don’t. Both groups are holding their ground in a campus debate about the expansion of the law school parking lot....

Organizations should attempt to eliminate issues of world hunger

April 12, 2013

A significant part of the Syrian Crisis has to do with the millions of refugees and internally displaced persons looking to leave to neighboring countries because of a lack of food. These refugees are...

Churches making strides in promoting gender equality

April 12, 2013

Gender equality is discussed across several platforms, but the platform involving the most gender discrimination — religion — is often a forgotten one. Most religions still cling to sexist and outdated...

LDS website creates tolerance facade

April 12, 2013

The new website by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,, was created for people who share same-sex attraction. It was designed to keep families of LGBT loved ones content...

Letters to the Editor: Anti-abortion doesn’t mean anti-LGBT

April 11, 2013

Editor: In Rose Jones’ column, “Eugenics and anti-abortion both white-male sentiments” (Opinion, April 2), she draws an exaggerated connection between sterilization and opposing abortion rights and...