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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Letter to the Editor: Divestment from fossil fuels offers the U no downside

March 19, 2013

Editor: Divestment from fossil fuel companies is one of the most effective, low-risk and common sense actions the U can take to combat the current and future impacts of climate change. Our administration...

Americans need to protest corporate consolidation

March 19, 2013

Inequality might seem like old news. Occupy was beating that horse in 2011, and we’ve surely seen some graphic or other on the massive bank consolidation taking place since 1990, resulting in four bank...

Common courtesy should not be a rule

March 19, 2013

My 84-year-old grandma, who can hardly walk, couldn’t find a disabled parking spot the other day when she went to eat at a local restaurant. She had to park at the back of the lot and needed the help...

Letter to the Editor: The U’s delay of Winslow investigation uncalled for

March 19, 2013

Editor: The U has now commenced a long overdue investigation to examine numerous charges made by student-athletes and their parents from the swimming and diving program. I am one of the parents who has...

Party loyalties hinder our political system

March 19, 2013

The U. S. political system, being a two-party approach, puts pressure on citizens to choose either a left-winged or a right-winged viewpoint. Once an American has declared a side, a sense of loyalty to...

Mexican gray wolf should be reintroduced in Utah

March 19, 2013

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? The Utah Legislature is. Utah’s legislators recently gave the lobbyist group, Big Game Forever, $300,000 to lobby against the Mexican gray wolf’s return to the...

Campus Views: Papal election reveals changes

March 18, 2013

.post_author_plugin {visibility:hidden;display:none;} Religion lags in changing world Matt Stern With one of the most interesting papal transitions in recent memory now behind us, we have a unique opportunity...

Militarization of police endangers liberty

March 18, 2013

In the early 1990s we, Salt Lake City police officers, knew our beats. We knew the people who lived there and the community dynamics. And the citizens we served knew us and trusted us to protect them....

US needs diplomatic shift with Asia

March 8, 2013

While the American military has been flexing its muscles for decades in the Middle East, Near East and Africa, China has quietly and steadfastly been building a system of armed forces that could challenge...

Loan rates should require caps

March 8, 2013

Utah, true to its laissez-faire style of governance, lacks any meaningful protections against the excesses of payday lending institutions. As a result, these lenders are able to — and no doubt choose...