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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Chronicle should mention smaller sports

April 13, 2009

While it is wonderful to have a student-produced paper, it would be greatly appreciated if they would show at least even a hint of interest in those smaller varsity sports teams we have on campus.

Electric cars would stop inversion

By By Jonathon Deesing April 10, 2009

Electric cars aren't going to sweep the nation in the near future, and they're certainly not going to fix all of our problems. In fact, they could even further our dependence on coal-burning for energy, which is the obvious downside. However, they would help the air quality in Utah during January, February and throughout the year.

Endangered Species Act should be restored

April 10, 2009

These rules gut our nation's most important wildlife protection law, which has been safeguarding species for more than 35 years, and fail to use this successful law to fight the greatest future threat to endangered species8212;global warming.

Reinstating automatic weapon ban would be ineffective

By By Steven Warrick April 10, 2009

A new AWB in the United States will have about as much effect on drug violence in Mexico as stopping beer sales in one store will have on fraternity drinking.

Save a life and make some cash with your plasma

By By Sabriel Harris April 10, 2009

With minimum effort, I continue to have a fair amount of spending money in my wallet every two days and potentially save lives at the same time. Plasma is a natural resource one hardly thinks about and rarely uses. It is only fair we give it to someone who can benefit from it.

Stem cell perks outweigh potential drawbacks

By By Liz Carlston April 9, 2009

New ideas can now be pursued and we no longer have to live in a climate of fear and distrust stemming from a broad stroke immobilization of stem cell research. The federal government's new policy on stem cell research is a good thing and will lead to more life-saving medical technologies in the future.

Campus shuttle system results in frustration

April 9, 2009

Perhaps I should have taken weeks to research the intricacies of the shuttle system, but even if I did that, I still doubt it would get any easier. When you see two red shuttles following each other, it's not a good sign.

State lottery could provide for education

By By John Stafford April 9, 2009

Utah needs to look at this and many other subjects ethically rather than morally and understand how a lottery could be used to improve the state as a whole. If anything, maybe it could help people appreciate probability and statistics, both in the classroom and in Powerball.

GOP should abandon neoconservatism

By By Jonathon Deesing April 9, 2009

As the educated future generation of America, we must do the same. We cannot allow such an oppressive taint to once again stain our nation because a lot of damage can be done in eight years.

History venerates activism

By By Jeffrey Jenkins April 8, 2009

The actions of DeChristopher were nonviolent, nondestructive and in no way threatening to the BLM. The actions were a benign and appropriate act of civil disobedience to draw attention to a marginalized issue.