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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


ID bill would prevent voter fraud

By By Jeffrey Jenkins February 4, 2009

Utah Legislators would do well to realize the benefits of this bill. It is protecting the reliability of the procedure that put them in office in the first place. The Legislature should not allow a dangerous loophole to be taken advantage of before enacting legislation to prevent it.

Debt to society better repaid by rehabilitation

By By Spencer Merrick February 3, 2009

Although current youth centers aren't exactly ideal, these programs would be infinitely more effective than imprisonment among experienced adults. To be safe, to curb gang violence and to save at least one life in this scenario, Angilau and other youths like him should receive rehabilitation, not retribution.

Tax credit will benefit students

By By Alan Monsen February 3, 2009

The rally on Friday might have gained a 15-second spot on the nightly news, but it will take more students contacting their representatives via phone, e-mail or in person to bring about any influence.

New equipment for private clubs goes too far

By By John Hannon February 3, 2009

What started as a piece of legislation designed to help the private club cause now appears to be imposing more restrictions than before. Moreover, if any version of the electronic ID scanner plan passes, these clubs would be forced to purchase the scanners on their own.

Legislature takes on top hot-button issues

By By Craig Blake, Opinion Writer February 2, 2009

Now that lawmakers have finally settled this one torturous, hot-button issue, we can move onto the rest of this year's session. I've designed this noteworthy bill guide in order to keep you aware of this year's most contested bills. Never again will you miss out on the drama of water project proportions. Let's get started:

Break down false stereotypes

February 2, 2009

It can be difficult to develop a willingness and interest to hear new ideas, but this Friday, participate in the Jumaa Prayer at the Union. Attending will give a richer and fuller understanding of another culture and the beliefs. We can do our part to break down false stereotypes by investing our time to understanding and relating better to our neighbors.

Students should be involved in active protest

February 1, 2009

Don't want unsightly oil pumps giving you the bird through the Delicate Arch? Follow DeChristopher's lead and bid on the land. Don't fall prey to unfair laws, or those in power who break just laws without consequence. Don't allow yourself to think that anything you do will not change anything, and never count on someone else to fix what is broken.

Students need foreign language skills

February 1, 2009

Those who wish to embrace the wider world on its own terms would do well to realize that the age of American superiority is coming to a close and to engage others as equals means learning their languages.

Jaywalking is no joke

By and January 30, 2009

Staying out of the road shouldn't be a novel concept, but it seems to be a constant struggle. Reversing the upward trend of auto-pedestian accidents is as easy as obeying traffic laws and crossing the street when and where you are supposed to.

U’s printing rates are unreasonable

By By John Hannon, Staff Writer January 29, 2009

The U charges 8 cents per side of a black-and-white page and 75 cents per side of a color page. Either from a lack of comparison or a lack of necessity, perhaps you've never realized just how high that is. The U's prices are put to shame when compared with various state-funded institutions.