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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Letter to the Editor: Depression Treatment Complex

By By Richard Delewski and By Richard Delewski September 2, 2002
Editor: I am writing in response to Casey Jacketta's Aug. 22 column, "Utahns Are High on Prozac and Low on Life." Jacketta's description of how depression is diagnosed ("medicalizing unhappiness," as she puts it) is very incorrect. There is an applied method of differentiating between what is clearly clinical depression and what could be considered merely a very "bad hair day/week.

Netters Win Utah Classic

By and September 2, 2002
Going into its first weekend of the 2002 regular season, the U volleyball team had one goal in mind, and it came away with exactly that goal: a weekend sweep and a first-place finish at the Utah Classic. The Utes saw their first action Friday night against the New Hampshire Wildcats, who started their season as the top-ranked team in the America East preseason poll.

Letter to the Editor: No Need to Coddle Protesters

By By Jennifer Rose and By Jennifer Rose August 29, 2002
Editor: I would like to comment on Devan Hite's August 27 article on protesters at Temple Square. These protesters appear to be quite independent. They all pay their own ways to travel to Salt Lake City, and they devote three to eight hours of their daily schedules to demonstrate.

Letter to the Editor: Protesters Don’t Force Converts

By By Rob Sivulka and By Rob Sivulka August 28, 2002
Editor: I thought the Aug. 27 article "Temple Square Protesters Seek Conversion at Any Cost" was pretty good, except that I really didn't like the headline and conclusion about us protesting "at any cost." Given the quote about our desire to "love people into the kingdom of God and into truth," it would seem that by definition some boundaries are set for our tactics.

Letter to the Editor: Depression Has Medical Causes

By By Shauni Young and By Shauni Young August 28, 2002
Editor: I am very uneasy with Casey Jacketta's Aug. 23 column "Utahns are High on Prozac and Low on Life." Having suffered from clinically diagnosed depression for more than 20 years, I am afraid that the information Jacketta asserted in her recent column may actually be dangerous to your readers.

Matters of Faith: New Documentary Questions the Authenticity of LDS Scripture

By By Chris Winstead and By Chris Winstead August 27, 2002
On Aug. 7, the University of Utah Union Theater hosted a premier screening of the film "The Lost Book of Abraham: Investigating a Remarkable Mormon Claim," produced by the Institute for Religious Research. The film presents a condensed history of the early LDS Church, focusing on the origins of the Book of Abraham and on the ancient Egyptian papyri from which Joseph Smith purportedly translated the book.

Letter to the Editor: Don’t Get Books At U Bookstore

By By Christopher Condrat and By Christopher Condrat August 26, 2002
Editor: In my experience, the bookstore really is a rip-off. I proved this to myself by comparing the price of one of my books at the bookstore, at $105, to the price online at the publisher's Web site. To my surprise?or not?the price at the publisher's Web site was 14 dollars less than the price at the bookstore, at $91.

Parker’s Move to Corner Gives Utes Quality Secondary

By and August 26, 2002

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Letter to the Editor: Poor Reasoning About Prozac

By By Aaron Chambers and By Aaron Chambers August 26, 2002
Editor: I'm not exactly sure what Casey Jacketta was getting at with her article about Prozac and Utah, "Utahns are High on Prozac and Low on Life," in the August 22 Chronicle. She hinted that perhaps the phenomenon of high prozac consumption in Utah could be explained by the peculiarities of the LDS church, but then gives results of a professional study that suggest exactly the opposite.

The Sad Story of the Demise of Public Transit

By and August 26, 2002
There's an old joke that says there are only two seasons in Utah: winter and road construction. While the humor of this joke is debatable, it certainly conveys a sentiment felt by many residents of our pretty great state, especially with the recent reconstruction of I-15 and TRAX across the valley.