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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Experts Address Global Economy

April 25, 2002
UNITED NATIONS?Declaring that the world economy is "on the mend," the United Nations on Thursday predicted global economic growth of 1.8 percent this year rising to about 3 percent next year?providing there are no major shocks. "After a pervasive global slowdown in 2001, with roughly a dozen economies falling into recession, a recovery is unfolding," according to the U.

Wildfires Grow in Colorado Foothills

April 25, 2002
BAILEY, Colo.?A 2,400-acre wildfire sent thick smoke across wooded foothills southwest of Denver on Thursday as fire fighters labored in cooler weather to protect hundreds of homes. Cloud cover, lighter winds and lower temperatures provided relief for about 250 fire fighters building lines around the blaze.

Bioterrorism Threats Discussed in Senate

April 25, 2002
WASHINGTON?Biological terrorism remains a serious threat to America, Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., warned Thursday. "The risk is real. The risk is increasing. Our vulnerability remains high," Frist said at a briefing in an office building closed for months following last fall's anthrax-by-mail attack.

Bush, Abdullah Discuss Mideast

April 25, 2002
CRAWFORD, Texas?Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah met for two hours Thursday with President Bush at his Texas ranch, looking to ease growing tensions between their two nations that loomed over a summit originally meant to advance the Mideast peace process. A Saudi spokesman said the crown prince was not softening his demand to Bush that the United States pressure Israel to halt its current military action.

U Honors Students In Health Program

April 25, 2002
Eighty high school students were awarded certificates of completion by the U's Health Professions Academy on Tuesday morning. The completion ceremony in the Marriott Library's Gould Auditorium was a collaborative effort of Salt Lake City School District and the U's Health Sciences Center.

Panel Criticizes Post 9/11 Gov’t Policies

April 25, 2002
The strength and state of the nation's democracy following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 was the subject of a panel discussion Wednesday afternoon at the Hinckley Institute of Politics. The five-person panel was critical of President Bush's policies toward immigrants and international students in the wake of the attacks.

Electronic Sign Is Senior Class Gift

April 25, 2002
This year, the Senior Class Council wants to contribute a large electronic sign as its parting gift to the U. Publicizing the events and services available to students through ASUU was the council's main motivation in selecting an electronic sign as the senior class gift, according to Clara Pugsley, senior class president.

Quote of the Day

By , , and April 24, 2002
"It's a celebration of uncoordination and a parade of no talent ass-clowns in a disrespect of a hallowed collegiate floor. "

Sept. 11 Suspect Found Not Guilty in Britain

April 24, 2002
LONDON?The extradition case against an Algerian pilot once described by U.S. authorities as a trainer for the Sept. 11 hijackers fell apart Wednesday when a British judge ruled the United States had not provided sufficient evidence the man was involved in terrorism?or had committed any crime.

Group Criticizes ASUU Senate’s K-UTE Decision

April 24, 2002
The Student Broadcast Council, K-UTE and concerned students believe the Student Senate's decision to cut K-UTE's umbilical cord to ASUU was unconstitutional. They filed a complaint with the Supreme Court of the Associated Students of the University of Utah Wednesday, following last week's decision which drastically decreased the station's operation budget.