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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Charities Receive $4M From SLOC

By , , and April 4, 2002
SALT LAKE CITY?The Salt Lake Organizing Committee is donating $4 million worth of appliances, fixtures, furniture and other items to Utah charities. SLOC officials launched the giveaway Wednesday at a Salt Lake senior housing complex where they delivered beds and kitchen appliances to low income residents.

Grumbles, Bruised Apples & Limited Hours: Are Meal Plans All That Bad?

April 4, 2002
At first glance, it all seems so simple. Pick a number and buy food for a year. No more grocery shopping; no more Ramen. When you're finished eating, just put your dishes on the big conveyer belt in the corner of the cafeteria and go do your homework. The mission of the meal plan served up at the U's Heritage Center is simple: "To provide good nutritional meals to students," according to Curtis Grow, the associate director of the Office of Residential Living.

Washington Found Lax on Restricted Airspace

April 4, 2002
WASHINGTON?Pilots have flown through the prohibited airspace protecting the White House at least 94 times over the past decade, illustrating the challenges of thwarting a terrorist airstrike on the nation's capital. Even with military jets patrolling the skies, four commercial airliners and a medical helicopter have crossed into Washington's no fly zone since the Sept.

Health Food Famine? A Brief Survey of On-campus Food Options

April 4, 2002
As college students, we are not a demographic known for its healthy habits. Caffeine will do just as well as a sandwich for dinner, and fast food is a way of life. Perhaps as age begins to take its toll we will begin to count calories and worry about fighting free radicals.

The Chronicle’s View: Election Errors Taint ASUU Reputation

April 4, 2002
After a whirlwind election?with the primary and final election separated by mere days?the Associated Students of the University of Utah elections are over. However, the short election season left more than enough time for both current and aspiring ASUU leaders to make some rather momentous mistakes.

Library Focusing on Care of Elderly Opens

April 4, 2002
Responding to the growing needs of family members who care for elderly relatives, the Gerontology Center at the College of Nursing announced the establishment of its new Elder Care library Monday. The library is now open and available to U faculty, staff, students and alumni.

Tired Campaigners Will Learn Who Won Tonight

April 4, 2002
The winners of the student elections will be revealed tonight at an announcement party beginning at 8 p.m. The 101 candidates running for positions in the Student Senate, General Assembly and executive offices of the Associated Students of the University of Utah must wait an entire day after voting concluded to find out who was victorious, and who will not represent students next year.

Elevation Email Prompts Impact to File Grievance

April 4, 2002
Impact plans to file a grievance today claiming Elevation broke campaign rules by sending an email to about 450 students from her U email account. Redbook, the policies and procedures of the Associated Students of the University of Utah, states that students cannot violate any U rules in campaigning. The network agreement for campus email addresses does not allow sending unsolicited bulk email messages, under the threat of closing the network account of students who violate the policy.

Impact Party Wins ASUU Elections

April 4, 2002
The Impact Party won the presidential race for the Associated Students of the University of Utah by just 54 votes. More information is forthcoming on this Web site.

SLOC Gave $92K in Olympic Tickets

April 4, 2002
SALT LAKE CITY?Salt Lake Olympics organizers, who once pledged to "take the high road" and not give Olympic tickets to legislators and other elected officials, have reported they handed out $92,270 worth of tickets to officials. The Salt Lake Organizing Committee said earlier that it did not have to report the donations because it had canceled its lobbyist licenses and had printed the tickets at zero face value.