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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

House GOP needs alternative to ACA

August 25, 2013

Perhaps the single most unifying platform of the Republican Party — the rallying cry that is holding the otherwise fractured and floundering party together — a universal disdain for the Patient Protection...

Cyber warfare presents realistic societal threat

August 25, 2013

These days privacy has become something of a wistful dream, one made near impossible with organizations such as the National Security Agency bringing to mind a wizened mob boss as he spits out the words...

‘Stop and frisk’ policy loathsome to public

August 25, 2013

A metropolitan police force has a unique position with the public it swears to protect. Unlike a county sheriff’s office that serves civil orders and keeps our jails secure, or highway patrol that prevents...

Photos: Football Center opening

August 25, 2013

[nggallery id="156"] Photos from the Spence and Cleone Eccles Football Center opening, August 15, 2013. From Chad Zavala / The Daily Utah Chronicle.

OUR_Ep.32_Keith Stubbs_Jake Keenum

August 15, 2013

Director Jake Keenum left the Air Force after serving three years as a diesel mechanic in 2011. He packed his coupe with everything that could fit and left Little Rock, Arkansas to head out west to Utah....

Team wins title with fanny pack invention

August 1, 2013

A group of junior high students from Park City invented a device that will fix a common problem for senior citizens: falling. Composed of seven pre-teens and dubbed RoboThunder, the First LEGO League team...

Avenues provide taste of SLC, student lifestyle

August 1, 2013

by Summer Bloyer On a casual summer evening in Salt Lake City, just beyond South Temple, there are several things to witness, such as the enthused biker, peddling down 11th Avenue in his multicolored...

Junior TJ Bennett running to third base during a game against BYU on March 26 at Spring Mobile Ballpark. 
// Erin Burns file photo

Baseball: Summer an opportunity to shine

August 1, 2013

Picture this: the warm night air of summertime, the smell of ballpark hot dogs, the bright stadium lights and that split second of silence when a batter makes contact before the crack of the bat reaches...

Alcohol policy tightens for frats

August 1, 2013

Beginning Fall Semester, the U’s fraternities are implementing a new alcohol policy requiring houses to petition the privilege to have alcohol on fraternity property. The fraternities that do not meet...

Zimmerman’s jury made the right call

August 1, 2013

Much will be said about the verdict, handed down July 14 in Seminole County, Fla., which acquitted George Zimmerman in the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin 17 months ago after the two were involved...