The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Pre-med students balance experience

By By Maureen Klewicki, Staff Writer October 30, 2008

t. Besides two years of chemistry, a year of physics and two biology classes, students must show multiple hours of extracurricular activities, volunteer work, experience working with patients and physicians in a medical atmosphere and research with another professor.

Burglars hit golf course twice

By By Michael McFall, Staff Writer October 30, 2008

The Campus Master Plan isn't scheduled to make the golf course disappear for at least a few months, but some people are taking it upon themselves to begin disassembly early. Everything from golf flags to ball washers have been stolen from the golf course.

Geriatric center celebrates first year

By By Brandon Fausett October 30, 2008

The U Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence celebrated its first year Oct. 9 and is among nine programs in the country that have received a five-year $1 million grant from the John A. Hartford Foundation.

Campus reports nearly a dozen hit and runs

By By Isabella Bravo, Staff Writer October 30, 2008

The U Police Department received 11 reports of hit and runs in the first two months of Fall Semester.

U advises students on Internet safety

By By Clayton Norlen, Staff Writer October 30, 2008

Downloading music and visiting pornographic sites on the Internet can destroy a computer if a virus uploads, said speakers at an Information and Security Awareness session Tuesday.

Single shot could prevent salmonella

By By Lana Groves, Asst. News Editor October 30, 2008

U researchers have shown that a single vaccine could give patients immunity against multiple types of disease-causing bacteria.

Swing states leaving in Obama’s favor

Even though the Illinois senator is leading polls in nearly every swing state with less than one week until Election Day, Summers thinks his presidential pick might not win.

Gay marriage question sparks debate

Two prominent members of the Salt Lake City community debated Tuesday whether homosexual couples should have the right to enter into a matrimonial union in Utah.

Pre-election fim festival to end Thursday with ‘Body’

The films explore important political and social issues through the medium of film, said Alex Bowles, film chair for the UPC arts and special events board.

Police dept. cuts officer training

The U's budget cut means school is out for the campus police, with less money for officer training and overtime hours.